Louise Cannon, retired writing professor, passed away at age 63

Louise Cannon, a retired assistant writing professor who specialized in ESOL instruction and taught academic writing, grammar and usage, and argument, passed away of cancer on January 15, 2022. 

The Writing Department deeply valued Professor Cannon and her contributions. "Louise was such a gifted educator and generous colleague, deeply attuned to the needs of her students and always willing to share her insights," said Assistant Professor Joan Marcus, who worked with Professor Cannon for over a decade. "Her work with international students—her tremendous skill and the individual attention she gave IC's second language learners—was exemplary. "

Professor Cannon was also an inspiration and mentor for Assistant Professor Megan Graham, who transitioned into Cannon’s role, by sharing her course materials. "She talked through classes with me, let me come and visit her classes, and chatted with me in the Writing Center whenever we didn't have clients.” But what Professor Graham remembers most is this: “You could see in her eyes and her smile that she found teaching and working with students delightful, even after so many years.”

Graham says Cannon would go above and beyond to help international students by taking the time to help them through their work and cultural differences when other professors might not do so. As a result of her advocacy for these students, the writing department has become more inclusive and increased its ability to respond to different students’ needs.

"I think there are many international students at IC who made it through their first year of college because of Louise, because she helped them navigate assignments and expectations and cultural differences that many professors take for granted," Graham said. "With students she was a problem-solver, an educator, a mentor, a friend, and a crucial support."

Professor Cannon lived in Trumansburg, New York, with her husband and three sons, including Seph Murtagh, who previously taught in the Department of Writing. Her family is working with the college to establish a scholarship in Louise Cannon’s name.

Her obituary can be found here.