MTD for Non Majors

These courses are typically offered each year.
MUMC 11000 Notes and Keys: Master foundational skills for first-year musicianship courses for music majors and musical theatre majors. (1 credit) Summer/Winter Sessions only MUMC 14500 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music: Introduces the essential elements of classical and contemporary electroacoustic music. (2 credits) MUNM 10400 Basic Materials of Music: Study of rhythm and meter, pitch, intervals, tonality, scales, key signatures and relationships, triads, notation, and terms and symbols. (2 credits) MUNM 13000 Music in Society: An exploration of the social roles and implications of music in various cultures, leading to its role in contemporary America. (3 credits) MUNM 14000 Rock Styles Since 1955: An exploration of the styles of rock music since 1955. Rock is the primary topic, but also considered are styles that interact with rock (blues, gospel, pop, county, jazz, classical). (3 credits) MUNM 16100 Worlds of Music: An introductory survey of the music of different cultures, with an emphasis on Native American, West African, South African, and South Asian contexts. (3 credits) MUNM 25100 Music and the Media: A study and comparison of the forms and styles of music commonly used by the media, including radio, television, and film. (3 credits) MUNM 25500 Women in Music: An examination of the music and lives of women in various musical settings, beginning with classical music in medieval Europe and shifting, in the 20th century, to popular music in the United States. (3 credits) MUNM 25800 Music of Latin America: Survey of the most significant music from Central and South America, with emphasis on the four most important Latin American styles: Mexican, Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, and Argentinean music. (3 credits) MUNM 25900 African American Popular Music: Traces the evolution of African American music from its roots in the deep South to its urbanization and commercialization throughout the country. (3 credits) MUNM 25600 Women in Popular Music From Bessie Smith to MTV: An examination of the lives and contributions of women in popular American music of the 20th century, focusing on their role in society as well as the challenges they have faced in developing their professional and personal lives, raising issues relevant to both men and women. (3 credits) MUNM 26200 Music and the Mind: A survey course of the interdisciplinary field of music cognition. Introduces how music is perceived and understood from both a biological and cultural perspective. (3 credits) MUPS 15800 Latin American Music Workshop: An exploration of the music from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, with emphasis on Latin American styles: Mexican, Afro-Cuban, Brazilian and Argentinean music. (2 credits) -
These ensembles require an audition at the beginning of the semester. We publish audition information on Intercom - so be on the lookout.
MUNM 10300 Campus Band: A wind and percussion ensemble open to any student at Ithaca College who has previously played a wind or percussion instrument. (0-1 credits) MUNM 10302 Campus Choral Ensemble: The Ithaca College Campus Choral Ensemble is a vocal ensemble open to any student at Ithaca College. (0-1 credits) MUNM 10304 Ithaca College Sinfonietta: The Ithaca College Sinfonietta (ICS) is an instrumental ensemble open to any student at Ithaca College who has prior experience performing a traditional orchestral instrument (woodwinds, brass, strings, or percussion). (0-1 credits) MUNM 10308 West African Drumming and Dance Ensemble: West African Drumming and Dance Ensemble is open to all registered students at Ithaca College and is comprised of three performance components - drumming, singing, and dancing. (0-1 credits) MUNM 10700 Class Voice/Non-Music Student: Small classes in voice to develop an understanding of the vocal mechanism and the application of sound principles of breath control and vowel placement. (1 credit) -
MUMC 25500 Basics of Vocal Mechanics: Explore the functions and human anatomy involved in using the voice: body alignment, breathing, phonation, resonance, and articulation. (1 credit) MUNM 17300 Keyboard Musicianship I for the Non-Music Major: An introduction to the fundamentals of music at the piano. (1 credit) MUNM 17400 Keyboard Musicianship II for the Non-Music Major: A continuation of keyboard skills developed in MUNM 17300. (1 credit) -
Interested in declaring a music minor? See the catalog for audition and program information.
Check the current course schedule to see offerings for this semester and the catalog to see full descriptions, designations and prerequisites.
THEA 10000 Introduction to Theatre: Survey of theatre practices and principles in the various aspects of theatrical production. (3 credits) THEA 10400 Introduction to Theatrical Design: Introduction to the theories and methodologies of theatrical design, including the areas of scenic, costume, lighting, and sound design (4 credits) THEA 19800 The Others: Global Theatre in Performance: Provides a broad introduction to theatre and performance studies, examining issues of class, race and gender, while questioning and unpacking the concept of "the others." (4 credits) THEA 24100 History of Theatre: Evolution of global theatre from the origins of performance through the early modern era. (4 credits) THEA 24300 Cultural Context for Theatre Design I: This course is an intensive survey of the history of significant cultural expression in aural and visual style from 3000 BCE to the 18th century intended to give each student a base knowledge to draw from and expand upon in future projects and productions. (2 credits) THEA 24400 Cultural Context for Theatre Design II: This course is an intensive survey of the history of significant cultural expression in dress and architecture from the 19th century to present day. (2 credits) THEA 25000 Marketing the Arts: Examine integrated marketing and publicity strategies, concepts, designs, and implementation plans used by not-for-profit and for-profit organizations to attract and maintain loyal patron base. (4 credits) THEA 25100 Theatre Administration I: Survey of arts administration in the United States from the perspective of the arts organization or company. (2 credits) THEA 25101 Theatre Arts Administration II: Overview of theatre arts administration in the United States from the perspective of the individual arts practitioner. (2 credits) THEA 25500 Playwriting I: This course introduces students to the fundamental elements of play construction: plot, character, dialogue, conflict, language, rhythm, dramatic structure/journey. (4 credtis) THEA 26100 Stage Management: Exploration of the management skills, operational techniques, and practices of stage management, from pre-rehearsal through postproduction. (4 credits) THEA 34500 London Theatre and Culture – Walking Tour: Weekly guided on-site tours of historic and cultural areas of London, and visits to museums and exhibitions that play a significant role in London theatre. (2 credits / offered at ICLC) THEA 34700 London Theatre Immersion: Analyzes the role of theatre in contemporary society through the study of dramatic literature and live performance. (4 credits / offered at ICLC) THEA 34800 Drama and the London Theatre: Study of drama and performance involving current productions on the London stage. Critical analysis of the texts prior to performance. (3 credits / offered at ICLC) -
These class are for practical experience working both off and on stage. Auditions for roles in plays are open to the college community. Please contact the Theatre and Dance main office for more information.
THEA 10200 Tech Theatre Practicum (scenery, costume, lighting or sound crews): Introductory participation in technical production activities for the department. May be repeated for a total of eight credits. (1 credit) THEA 10700 The Actor's Process: A summary overview of the art of acting, with introductory emphasis on core principles of the craft an actor might employ when preparing for and executing a role in a production. (2 credits) THEA 13100 Acting I: Introduction to the art of acting, with an emphasis placed on acting technique and study of scenes and/or monologues. (3 credits) THEA 13200 Acting 2: Continued exploration of acting technique and study of scenes and/or monologues. (3 credits) THEA 139xx Rehearsal & Performance: Laboratory participation in rehearsal and performance of a major departmental production. Students receive credit for assignments in acting or musical performance. (0-2 credits) -
Interested in declaring a theatre minor? See the catalog for audition and program information.
DNCE 10000 Introduction to Dance: Survey of the varied forms and styles of social, spiritual, and theatrical dance. (3 credits) -
Enrollment is based upon availability. Dance courses are quite popular so seats may be limited.
There is currently a dance concert every other year. Auditions are open to the campus community. If interested please contact
DNCE 139xx Dance Rehearsal & Performance: Laboratory participation in rehearsal and performance of a dance production. (0-2 credits) -
Interested in declaring a dance minor? See the catalog for audition and program information.