REGISTRATION - Please do not register for Jazz Vocal Ensemble (JVE) or Jazz Vocal Repertory Ensemble (JVRE) until auditions have been completed and membership determined.

ABOUT THE GROUPS (general information). See the bottom of this page for more information.

AUDITION PROCESS—Please read carefully and come prepared.
• All Ithaca College students regardless of major are eligible to audition for placement into one of the Jazz Vocal Ensembles. Please note that everyone who is interested (even those who have previously been in the group) must audition each year.

NEW POLICY: beginning Fall 2024, all jazz majors must pass an audition to be placed in JVE. (If unsuccessful, then you must audition into one of the other MTD ensembles to satisfy your ensemble credit.)

► FIRST STEP:  COMPLETE a registration card, which then allows you to REGISTER for a TIME SLOT (see the official email sent to you previously by the Music Office).

  - Thursday, 8/22, 9:30am–12:30pm — exclusively for incoming 1st-year students
  - Friday, 8/23, 1:30-3:30 — returning and first-year students
  - Monday, 8/26, 5:00-8:00 — returning and first-year students
  - Tuesday, 8/27, 5:00-8:00 — returning and first-year students
  - (If necessary, additional times may be added at the discretion of the Director.)

► SECOND STEP:  obtain the required audition materials. (See DOCUMENTS FOR AUDITION on the left margin of this page.)
  - Sample solo piece (if you need a suggestion)
  - Prepared score excerpts (two excerpts for 2024)
  - Scat Solo Etude (either the treble-register or bass-register voice version)
  - The specific JVE Audition Data Sheet (print to hardcopy and bring to your audition).

► THIRD STEP: read carefully ALL the information below to understand what is expected of you at the audition. Please contact Dr. White if you have any additional questions about what is required or any other aspect about the ensemble. 
Email:  jwhite@ithaca.edu.

WITHIN ONE HOUR immediately prior to your audition, pick up the short sight-reading excerpt from Dr. White (Office 3202.) Plan to spend that hour preparing as much of this at-sight excerpt as you can (notes, rhythms text). 
   - Prepare YOUR chosen voice part. Prepare as much of the excerpt as you can in the time allotted, giving precedence to quality of preparation (that is, mastery) rather than quantity of preparation (that is, number of measures). If you don't master the entire excerpt (which is fine), you may be asked to sightread the portion not mastered.
   - Rather than true at-sight reading, you're being auditioned on what you can pull together in one hour's time or less. 

AT THE AUDITION, plan to sing:
1. Short solo piece (doesn't have to be jazz per se). Assume Dr. White will be your accompanist, so bring sheet music as appropriate. 
   - NOTE:  if you have trouble choosing a song, you may choose one from the suggested examples I provide as PDFs in the DOCUMENTS FOR AUDITION (see the left margin of this page).
   - NOTE:  previous JVE members do not have to sing a short solo piece.
2. The assigned prepared excerpts.
3. The scat solo etude.
4. The "one hour of prep" sightreading excerpt. 
5. Two scales, one octave up then down: chromatic, whole tone.
   - NOTE:  Use of solfege is highly encouraged (but not necessary). Being able to sing half- and whole-step lines is crucial for this type of music. Don't underestimate the necessity to demonstrate this skill!
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► RESULTS. Membership (audition results) will be announced ideally by Wednesday afternoon, August 28 (definitely by 2:00pm Thursday August 29), outside Dr. White's studio. Our first rehearsal will occur Thursday evening 8/29 beginning at 6:00 in Presser. (Be sure to give me your email address.) You may also contact Dr. White directly at jwhite@ithaca.edu to obtain audition results

Rhythm section players interested in playing in the group (piano, bass, drums) should discuss their interest with Prof. John White.

Jazz Vocal Ensemble (JVE) is 1.0 credit.

If you have questions please email me at jwhite@ithaca.edu.
I look forward to hearing (from) you!

Dr. John White



NOTE PLAN FOR 2024-2025. Due to necessary cutbacks in faculty load, only the Jazz Vocal Ensemble (JVE) will be offered this coming academic year. As of this writing, JVRE is still suspended for 2024-2025.

Ensemble goals and activities—JVE will perform numerous charts of varying levels (III–V+) throughout the coming year. Weekly meetings will involve rehearsal of this material, of course, but also devote time to cultivating improvisation skills (scales, solfege, scat syllables, strategies, exercises, application, and so forth).

Jazz Vocal Ensemble (JVE)will be limited to 14-18 select singers and specialize primarily in advanced repertoire (levels III-V). Rehearsals occur TR 6:00–7:50pm for a total of 4 hours per week. Attendance at every rehearsal is expected.

(suspended for 2024–2025) Jazz Vocal Repertory Ensemble (JVRE) will focus on more foundational jazz choir repertoire (levels I-III, higher as appropriate) and be open to any student who can qualify by audition. Membership is flexible, not limited to a set number. Rehearsals occur MW 6:00–6:50 for a total of 2 hours per week. Attendance at every rehearsal is expected.

JVREis a great fit for singers new to Vocal Jazz Ensemble singing; we’ll cover the basics of jazz ensemble singing (e.g., how to swing, how to shape vowels and consonants, etc.) along with beginning stages of vocal improvisation (scales, syllables, strategies).

JVE requires previous experience in group singing (ideally jazz, but not necessarily) such that activities of a more advanced level will not present great challenge; thus, audition standards for JVE are higher than for JVRE; if you’re unsure if you’re ready or not, please contact the Director.