Why I Chose Ithaca College
I chose Ithaca College because of the amazing community here, as well as the speech-pathology program. I was really excited to jump right into my major-related classes as a first-year student without having to wait!
Clinical Placements
I participated in two clinical placements during my senior year: I worked as a student clinician for a Language Enhancement Program at a local preschool and also met with a client at Ithaca's on-campus Ewing Speech and Hearing Clinic. These were both amazing experiences that allowed me to practice what I had been learning in my classes and apply it to real-world situations.
Use all of your resources while you are here, and take advantage of the opportunities that come your way! There is so much support here for students, and people are always happy to connect with you. Also, explore the area as much as you can!
Let’s Connect!
Email me anytime at imarenberg@ithaca.edu.