Campus Center General Information

Fall and Spring Semester Regular Hours: 

Daily, Mondays through Sundays

Building Open: 7:00 am-12:00 midnight

Information Desk Staffed: 9:00am-12:00 midnight

How to Contact the Campus Center Office:

To reach the Director, Sybil Conrad, call 607-274-1172 or email

To reach the Campus Center Manager, call 607-274-3778 or email

To reach the Information Desk, call 607-274-3011 or 607-274-3201

The Facility

The Campus Center, a facility of 120,000 square feet, serves as an active, safe, and inclusive campus community center for a mostly residential campus of approximately 5000 students.

The Campus Center serves all members of the campus - students, faculty, staff,  administrators, alumni and guests.  It is the heart of the Ithaca College campus, enhancing the student experience and promoting student success. 

The Campus Center is a catalyst for campus engagement through the support of co-curricular activities and the encouragement of interaction among all members of the IC community.  

Building History

Ithaca College's original Campus Center was the fourth building constructed on the South Hill campus.  The building opened in 1965 and was named Egbert Union, in honor of the college's first president.

The building was renovated in 1987, and Phillips Hall was added to the facility.  At this time, it was officially dedicated as the Campus Center.

Today, the Campus Center provides many of the services, conveniences, and amenities members of the college community need in their daily lives on campus.

Building Policies

  • Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
  • No rollerblades, bikes, scooters, or skateboards are to be used within the facility.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the building.
  • Only those over the age of 21 may consume alcohol and only in locations where bar service is provided at a registered event.
  • Animals are not allowed in the facility, with the exception of service and guide dogs.
  • Persons wishing to advertise/solicit on campus must file for a permit in the Office of Student Engagement.

Bulletin boards are provided for posting information regarding campus events by academic departments, administrative offices, intercollegiate athletics, and recognized student organizations.  Advertisements must clearly identify the sponsoring group and must include contact information.  Taping, nailing, tacking, decorating, or adding anything to walls, ceilings, or floors is prohibited.