Checklists and rubrics to help ensure quality online courses.

Use these resources to plan and review your online courses.

Screenshot of the online course checklist

Download a PDF of this checklist below.

Elements of Online Courses important to students

  1. Welcoming first time experience
  2. Clear course organization
  3. Communicate assignments and deadlines
  4. Maintaining instructor presence
  5. Emphasize time on task
  6. Keep students actively engaged
  7. Provide prompt feedback and grades
  8. Ensure student success
  9. Use IC approved technologies
file-outline Online teaching checklist - online-teaching-checklist (pdf)

A brief checklist of elements important to students taking online courses.

External resources for online course quality

The SUNY Online Course Quality Review Rubric is designed to help campuses ensure that their online courses are learner centered and well designed.  A rich site with researched based "Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in Online and Distance Learning".

Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist v2.0.  Practical brief checklist developed by Canvas.