Faculty Office Hours

Unless indicated otherwise, office hours will take place on campus. If a virtual option is offered, please check the course syllabus or e-mail the faculty member directly to obtain the applicable Zoom link or other details.

R = Thursday


Sean Eversley Bradwell (Job Hall 203)
Assistant Professor and Director

Mondays - 12pm-1:30pm
Wednesdays - 1pm-2pm
And many times by appointment

email: seversley@ithaca.edu

Pamela Sertzen (Job Hall 206)
Assistant Professor

T 11:10am-12:10pm
email: psertzen@ithaca.edu


Mika Kennedy (Job Hall 207)
Assistant Professor

MWF 10:15-11am
F 3:30-4:40pm by appointment
Can't make these? Email me!
email: mkennedy3@ithaca.edu

Nicole Horsley (Job Hall 204)
Associate Professor
T 11:20a - 12:30p
R 11:20a- 12:30p
and by appointment
email: mhorsley@ithaca.edu