Feed Your Competitive Spirit

Competitive and instructional sport clubs provide the opportunities to continue to compete at a high level against fellow institutions in the desired sports without the stringent practice and competition schedules associated with intercollegiate competition.

Each competitive and instructional club offers its own unique aspects that add to the collegiate athletic experience and provide valuable opportunities to connect with individuals from other areas of the country and the world in a fun and safe supportive environment which Ithaca College is committed to providing to its students.

Breakdown of Competitive and Semi-Competitive Sport Clubs

Included among the traditional competitive sport clubs are Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Lacrosse, Rugby, Soccer, and Volleyball as well as Softball, Field Hockey, Ice Hockey, etc. Less traditional sports offered are Equestrian, Ski Team, Men's and Women's Ultimate Frisbee. Equestrian and ski racing are competitive on multiple levels, competing as a team as well as registering individual results during their competitions.

In addition to these sports, Ithaca College Cheerleading and Dance Team are also offered at a competitive level. While performance based in nature, these programs also attend competitions during the academic year. Following their performances during the football and basketball seasons, the two teams travel to a national competition each spring.

All Competitive Club Sports

Expand any option below for club information, including officer names and contact info.