Ithaca College will implement travel recommendations based on its own assessment of risk to travelers and/or Center for Disease Control (CDC) international travel guidelines. The Office of International Programs will be the clearinghouse for college travel policies and restrictions applying to students or faculty/staff traveling for academic purposes connected with Ithaca College.
The OIP and the College Emergency Response Team (CERT) will:
- Establish emergency-specific guidelines and restrictions for students, faculty and staff traveling on college business during an epidemic emergency. Enforcement and communication of travel restrictions to staff, students and faculty will be the responsibility of the college
- Communicate specific travel restrictions -- when possible -- prior to any governmental action that may restrict travel (Note: There will be no reimbursement for travel to areas that have been restricted by governmental authority)
- Develop policies in conjunction with health officials to handle the return of ill travelers or those who may have been exposed to contagion
If the United States government or its agencies order return evacuation to the U.S., the College will identify individuals who need assistance, communicate to these individuals, and provide support as needed and requested.
However, the college will not be responsible for any individual who does not adhere to college travel restrictions after an epidemic emergency occurs. It is extremely unlikely the college or its service providers will be able to provide any support to individuals traveling internationally at such a time.