Ainsley Anderson
Ainsley teaches in the B.F.A. Theatre Production & Design program and serves as the Chair for the Department of Production and Management within the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance at Ithaca College. Courses include Introduction to Technical Theatre, Production and Scenic Technology, Costume Technology, Advanced Costume Construction, Advanced Costume Crafts, Rehearsal and Performance for the McCarroll Studio Theatre, and Projects in Costume Technology and Wardrobe Supervision. Beyond teaching, Ainsley maintains an active freelance millinery and draping career. She has had the opportunity to work in different capacities with Glimmerglass Opera Festival (Cooperstown, NY), The Hangar Theatre (Ithaca, NY), Eric Winterling Inc. (New York City), Bethany Joy Costumes Inc. (New York City), Lynne Mackey Studio (New York City), and many more. Ainsley received her B.F.A. from the Ithaca College and is pursuing an M.F.A. from the University of Idaho.