Alan Cohen

Retired Associate Professor, Accounting and Business Law

Recent Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

"Developing a Service Learning Project to Enhance Business Students' Mentoring Skills," with Schlesinger, W., Journal of Instructional Pedagogies. Academic and Business Research Institute (2008).

Utilizing First Year Curricula Linkage to Improve In-Major Persistence to Graduation: Results from Four-Year Longitudinal Study, Fall 2000-Spring 2004, with Lifton, D. and Cohen, A., Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, May 2007, Vol. 9 No. 1. (LP)

(Monograph) "Career Development in First-Year Business Students: Connecting Student Success Skills to Business Success Skills," with Lifton, D. and Cohen, A., Chapter 10 of The Career Development of Students in Transition. National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (2005). (LP)

(Monograph) Lifton, D., Schlessinger, W., and A. Cohen 2005. Ithaca College in Barbara F. Tobolowsky, Bradley E. Cox, Mary T. Wagner, (Eds) Exploring the Evidence, Volume III: Reporting Research on First-Year Seminars, Monograph No. 42. Colombia: National Resource Center for First Year Experience and Students in Transition. pp 55-57. (LP)

"Improving In-Major Persistence to Graduation Year Through First-Year Curricula Linkage: Results from a Business School Longitudinal Study," with Lifton, D. and Cohen, A. in Abdelsamad, M. (ed), Proceedings of the Society for Advancement of Management 2005 International Business Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University. (LP)

"Developing a Service Learning Project to Enhance Business Students' Mentoring Skills, with Cohen, A., Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Business and Behaviorial Sciences (February 2005). (LP)

"Creating a First-Year Seminar in Business," with Lifton, D. and Schlesinger, W., Academic Exchange Quarterly, July 2001.

Conference Proceedings

“Developing a Service Learning Project to Enhance Business Students’ Mentoring Skills,” with Schlesinger, W., Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, (February 2005).

"Improving In-Major Persistence to Graduate Year Through First-Year Curricula Linkage: Results from a Business School Longitudinal Study," with Lifton, D. and Cohen, A., Proceedings of the Society for the Advancement of Management National Conference (April 2005). (LP)

"The Management of Consumer Correspondence: A Report on a Complaint-Compliment Research Project," with Eckrich, D. and Schlesinger, W. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business (June 2004).

"Improving Business Major Retention Through First-Year Curricula Linkage," with Schlesinger, W. and Lifton, D., Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, February (2003).

"Preliminary Lessons Learned in Creating a Professional Development Program for First-Year Business Students," with Schlesinger, W., Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, February (2002).

"Assessing Student Outcomes When First-Year Curricula is Linnked: Baseline Results from a Longitudinal Study on Retention," co-authored with D. Lifton and W. Schlesinger, Proceedings of the International Conference on First-Year Experience, Columbia: The Freshman Year Experience, July (2001).

"Retaining Undergraduate Business Students: A New Approach to the Crucial First Semester," co-authored with D. Lifton and W. Schlesinger, Proceedings of the First Annual Conference Villanova University: Academy of Business Education (2000).

"Adapting a First-Year Student Success Course to the BUsiness School Environment," co-authored with W. Schlesinger, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 2000.