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Amanda Faherty

Assistant Professor, Psychology
School: School of Humanities and Sciences

Why Team REAL? (from past & current team members)

Ice cream outing

Ice cream outing to celebrate the end of the S2022 semester.

I think the best way to figure out what research team is best for you is by talking to current members and hearing what they have to say about their time on research team. Feel free to contact Amanda as well. 

Izzy Brett '24

I am very happy that I got to be apart of Team REAL these past two semesters. I entered without knowing Amanda, or any of the others on the team, and I am so happy that I got to meet all these people. Amanda provides a lot of guidance throughout our projects, and I feel like I come out of this class with an actual real world understanding of how to do research. I also really enjoy that we get to work on topics that is applicable to our lives in emerging adulthood.

Charlotte Caccamise '23

I thoroughly enjoyed my first semester on team REAL. This team feels like a community and is very welcoming. Conversation is always flowing and team members are always laughing when you enter the team REAL lab. Also, Amanda is extremely knowledgeable, supportive and is always happy to help team members. My time on this team has bolstered my professional and collaborative skills significantly. I've found that I look forward to coming to team every Tuesday and Thursday! 

Kate Lawrence '24

I have had a great first semester on team REAL! As a first semester students we had article summaries twice a week for the first two weeks and then one a week from then on. These articles really help you understand the layout of research as you go in designing your own experiment. I have learned so much already about the research process from both Amanda and my fellow classmates on the team.  Amanda is always offering any help that you need and explains the assignments very clearly. In addition to learning a lot on this team, the team members build great relationships with each other and Amanda! 

Chloe Pearl '24

Being on team REAL (Research Emerging Adult Lab) has allowed me to venture out, make new friendships, and gain the toolset of how to conduct research. Reading research articles on emerging adults provides a better understanding of the topics that we are going to research. Additionally, because of how relevant being an emerging adult, makes it easily relatable and sparks in-depth conversations that allow you to get to know your fellow teammates who are very supportive.

Carley Randall '22

Team REAL takes a look into the newly researched developmental period of emerging adulthood. It is fun to learn about this period of life since as college students we are currently living it. We are able provide input on our firsthand experience during this period. Over my past three semesters in the team, I conducted multiple research studies. Some topics we studied during my time in team were non-college student emerging adults, nicotine and tobacco usage in emerging adults and the effects of sleep deprivation on emerging adults. Team REAL performs a new study each semester so we can get as much research as possible.  This is a huge highlight of the group so we can remain interested in the topic we are studying. I highly recommend team REAL if you are interested in developmental psychology and learning more about where you are in life. 

Sophia Scher '23

I have had a great two semesters on Team Real and I have really enjoyed the studies we have gotten to conduct. I have been able to collaborate with other people in my major and create new friendships. Research team has allowed me to take on different leadership roles and positions through studies we have researched. I am excited for the future of Team Real and the work I will be able to contribute to it.  

Megan Sullivan '23

Being on Team REAL has been an excellent experience. As someone who does not want to pursue a career in research, I still feel that this team experience has greatly contributed to my teamwork and collaboration skills. Learning about Emerging Adulthood, an age cohort that is rarely discussed in other Psychology classes, is a key component of this class and offers a new perspective on human development. Since we are currently in the Emerging Adulthood stage of our lives, learning about this time period while being in it is immensely interesting. I feel that I definitely made the right choice in joining Team REAL.

Ingrid Swanson '23

Being on Team REAL gives you the freedom of an independent study but with the ability to collaborate with like-minded people. Amanda's team offers a laid-back environment to work on research that is relatable to us (given that we are all in the emerging adult stage). Conducting research on emerging adults is very engaging