Selected Publications
DePalma, M.T., Rizzotti, M.C., Branneman, M. (2017) Assessing diabetes-relevant data provided by undergraduate and crowdsourced web-based survey participants for honesty and accuracy. Journal of Medical Internet Research – Diabetes, 2(2), 1-11. doi:10.2196/diabetes.7473
DePalma, M.T., Trahan, L.C., Eliza, J.M., & Wagner, A.E. (2015). The relationship between diabetes self-efficacy and diabetes self-care in American Indians/ Alaska Natives. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 22(2), 1-22.
DePalma, M.T., Rollison, J., & Camporese, M. (2011). Psychosocial predictors of diabetes management. American Journal of Health Behavior, 35, 209-218.
Gates, S., DePalma, M.T., & Shelley, G.A. (2003). An investigation of the relationship between visual imagery perspective, kinesthetic imagery and locus of control. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 18, 145-164.
DePalma, M.T., Koszewski, W., Romani, W., Case, J., Zuiderhof, N.J., & McCoy, P.M. (2002). Identifying college athletes at risk for pathogenic eating. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 36, 45-50.
DePalma, M.T., Madey, S.F., Tillman, T.C. & Wheeler, J. (1999). Perceived patient responsibility and belief in a just world affect helping. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 21(2), 131-137.
DePalma, M.T., Madey, S.F., Greenberg, M., Borack, J., & Stillings, C. (1998). Perceived responsibility for disease onset affects HIV/AIDS education. Psychology & Health, 13, 503-514.
DePalma, M.T., & Weisse, C.S. (1997). Psychological influences on pain perception and non-pharmacologic approaches to the treatment of pain. Special Issue: Pain. Journal of Hand Therapy, 10, 183-191.
McCall, M., DePalma, M.T., English, G., & Potts, K. (1996). Perceived self- and other vulnerability to AIDS: False consensus biases. American Journal of Health Behavior, 20(6), 400-405.
DePalma, M.T., McCall, M., & English, G. (1996). Increasing perceptions of disease vulnerability through imagery. Journal of American College Health, 44, 227-234.
DePalma, M.T., Madey, S.F., & Bornschein, S. (1995). Individual differences and cheating behavior: Guilt and cheating in competitive situations. Personality and Individual Differences, 18(6), 761-769.
Madey, S.F., DePalma, M.T., Bahrt, A.E., & Beirne, J. (1993). The effect of perceived patient responsibility on characterological, behavioral, and quality of care assessments. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 14, 193-213.
DePalma, M.T., Koszewski, W., Case, J., Barile, R., DePalma, B.F., & Oliaro, S., (1993). Weight control practices of lightweight football players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 25, 694-701.