Diane Gayeski

Diane Gayeski

Professor, Strategic Communication
School: Roy H. Park School of Communications
Phone: 607-274-3912
Office: Roy H Park School of Communications, Ithaca, NY 14850
Specialty: Communications education; communication & learning strategy

Ithaca College's Park School of Communications is my alma mater and it's been where I've worked since I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Maryland in 1979.  I'm a professor in the Communications Management and Design degree program, having stepped down as Dean of the Park School in 2020 after an 11 year run.  I'm excited to return to my faculty position and to re-engage in the research I had to put aside while serving as Dean. 

 My particular areas of expertise and research are:

  • managing and assessing corporate learning and communication functions as business assets 
  • new technologies, organizational innovation and strategic design
  • changing workforce demographics, and how the college experience of individuals impacts organizational recruiting, communication, job design, and training
  • innovation and administration in higher education

In addition to my work at the College, I have been active in consulting with organizations to help them assess and adopt new methods of communication and training through my firm Gayeski Analytics.  Among my clients have been the Bank of Montreal, US Navy Fleet and Family Readiness, General Electric, TAP Pharmaceuticals, MetLife, the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Sony, and Fiat.

Diane Gayeski in her home office

Since 1985, I've based my consulting company in a wing of my home as an experiment in remote work and in integrating my personal and professional roles.

Currently, I'm investigating the applications of AI in higher education and corporate communications. I also frequently am asked to comment on the intersection of higher education and the corporate world, such as whether college adequately prepares students for jobs.

Here are some articles in which I've been featured

CNN: Schools are teaching ChatGPT, so students aren’t left behind

Forbes: How Gen Z’s Impact On The Workplace Continues To Grow