Recent Publications
Refereeed Journal Articles
"Outcomes of Values and Participation in Values Expressive Non-Profit Agencies," Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management (January 2006).
"Stimulating Issue Conflict to Support Engaged Student Learning," with Rea, C. The International Journal of Learning (forthcoming).
"Outcomes of Values and Participation in 'Values-Expressive' Nonprofit Agencies," Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 7(2):167-184 (2006).
"Values and Leadership Roles: Reflexive Versus Reflective Enactment," Advances in Management, 8:125-141 (2003)
"The Dialogic Case Method: Creating Microworlds in the Classroom," with J.C. Neal, Organization Development Journal, 7(3):31-41. (2002)
"Workplace Trust as an Ethic: A Developmental Perspective," with J.B. Stark, JAI Advances in Management, 7:117-134 (2002).
"Considerations for the Cooperative Workplace: Collectivism and a Sense of Community," with M.S. Love and C. Rea, JAI Advances in Management, 7:279-298 (2002).
"Using Environmental Paradigms to Understand and Change an Organization's Response to Stakeholders," with D. B. Johnson, Journal of Organizational Change and Development, 14(4):314-334 (2001).
"Barnard's Cooperative Systems and the Power of the Coworker Effect," with M.S. Love and G. Barnard, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 4(3 & 4):389-415 (2001).
Conference Proceedings
"Cooperative Learning: The Current State of Practice and Suggestions for Improving Student Learning," Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management Conference Proceedings(October 2006).
"Cooperative Learning: Lessons from the Field," Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management Conference Proceedings - abstract (October 2006).
"The DNA of Meaningful Learning in Management," International Association for Business and Society Conference Proceedings (March 2006).
"Power and Conflict: A Study Within the Nursing Profession," with Arduini, R., Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management (2005).
"Using Assessment to Create Effective Cooperative Learning Teams," with Hunt, S., Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management (2005).
"Enhancing Cooperative Learning in Accounting: A Review and Suggestions for Improving Processes in Learning Teams," with Hunt, S., Proceedings of the 2004 Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association (2004).
"Stimulating Issues Conflict to Support Engaged Student Learning," with Rea, C., Proceedings of the Learning Conference, London, England (2004).
"Values and Leadership Roles: Reflexive Versus Reflective Enactment," Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Advances in Management (2002), and Current Topics in Management 8:125-141 (2003).
"Considerations for the Cooperative Workplace: Collectivism and a Sense of Community," with M.S. Love and C. Rea, Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, Athens, Greece (2001).
"Exploring the Relationship Between the Coworker Effect and Leadership," with M.S. Love, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management (2001).
"The Coworker Effect: Behavioral Influences Beyond Leadership," with M. Love and T. Dougherty, Eighth Annual Conference of the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management Proceedings (2000).
"Creating Ethical Leadership: The Importance of Values and Trust," with M. Love, Seventh Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics Proceedings, p. 278-289 (2000).
"Practices, Values, and Rhetoric: Seeking Success with Participation and TQM," 2000 Midwest Academy of Management Conference Proceedings (2000).
"The Case for the Work Group," with M. Love, 2000 Midwest Academy of Management Conference Proceedings (2000).