Juan Arroyo

Assistant Professor, Politics
Phone: 607-274-3969
Office: Muller Faculty Center 316, Ithaca, NY 14850
Specialty: Comparative Politics

Back in elementary school, I already knew I wanted to be a teacher. (There was a brief period when I wanted to be a pastry chef, but we can talk about that another time.) This feeling was strengthened by great experiences in middle and high schools, and by the educational environment in my family. It is a great pleasure and privilege to be teaching at IC.

The following courses have been in my rotation, and I invite anyone who is interested to ask for more information.

- Food and Water: Challenges to Sustainability

- European Politics (Spring 2025)

- The European Union

- International Organizations (Fall 2024)

- Introduction to US Politics and Policy (Fall 2024)

- Catholics and Politics

- Political Parties and Ideologies

- Comparative Welfare State


I am the advisor to the Ithaca College Model United Nations team and the Model European Union team. Go to those sites from the Politics Dept. homepage for more info.

Study abroad has enriched my life enormously, and I strongly recommend that undergraduates take advantage of the opportunities offered by IC to do the same. 

What I have read or am reading this summer (2024):

Funke, Cornelia. Reckless. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 2010

Karns and Mingst. International Organizations: The Politics and Policies of Global Governance. Lynne Rienner, 2023.

Lowi, Ted, et al. American Government: A Brief Introduction. W. W. Norton, 2018.

Morón, Ciriaco. El alma de España: Cien años de inseguridad. Ediciones Nobel, 2013. 

Sidlow, Edward. Freshman Orientation: House Style and Home Style. Washington DC: CQ Press, 2007