Recent Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
Lippitt, J., Lewis, E., and Burress, J. “The Use of Earnings Capitalization in the Valuation of Growing Firms”, Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss analysis. Forthcoming in 2009 (DB)
Bramhandkar , A., and Burress, J. “Determinants of Revenue in Charitable Organizations”, The Journal of Accounting Ethics and Policy, 8(4): 451-479 (2008) (DB)
Burress, J., Lewis, E., and Lippitt, J. “The Impact of CEO Incentive Plans and Age on Earnings Management”, International Journal of Management. Forthcoming 2008 (DB)
Barniv, R., Danvers, K. and Healy-Burress, J.“An Empirical Examination of Tax Payments Reported by Nonprofit Hospitals,” The Journal of the American Taxation Association, : 1-25. (2005) (DB)
Healy-Burress, J. “Ethics Regulation By the Accounting Profession,” Journal of Business and Economics Research, 57-65 (2004) (DB)
Healy-Burress, J. and Zucca, L. “Gender Equity Gap: Compensation and Job Position,” the Mid-American Journal of Business, : 55-62. (2004) (DB)
"Earnings Management and Framing: The Specific Case of Obsolete Inventory," with Murphy, M., Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, 95-119, Fall 2003.
"SFAS 95 Cash Flow Information and Securities Valuation," with Alaraini, S. and Stephens, R., Research in Accounting Regulation, 243-255, December 2003.
"The Effectiveness of Internal and External Mechanisms of Corporate Control," The International Business and Economics Research Journal, 13-27, July 2002.
"Efficient CEO Compensation: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach," with Cole, E., Advances in Management Accounting, 189-210, 2000.
"The Impact of Medicare Capital Prospective Payment Regulation on Hospital Capital Expenditures," with Barniv, R. and Danvers, K., The Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 9-40, Spring 2000.
"The Effect of Corporate Ownership Structure on CEO Compensation," with Cole, E., Journal of Deferred Compensation, 5(2):61-72, Winter 2000.