Jim Stafford

Assistant Professor, Writing
School: School of Humanities and Sciences
Phone: 607-274-1070
Office: Smiddy 414
Specialty: Composition, Professional Writing and Rhetoric

Jim Stafford has been a member of the Writing Department at Ithaca College since 2008. His primary field is Professional Writing Studies and he has particular teaching and research interests in Emotional Intelligence, Collaborative Learning and Multi-modal Composition. He directed the Ithaca College Writing Center from 2012 to 2014 and served as the Writing Department's Director of the Handworker Gallery Reading Series from 2010 to 2014. He enjoys traveling to present at conferences, writing essays, articles and stories, and has created and managed a small literary press where he has worked with student writing interns since 2009.


  • Professional Writing & Rhetoric
  • Composition
  • Publishing
  • Writing Center Scholarship


  • Ph.D. Rhetoric and Composition, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 2000 
  • M.A. English, Radford University, 1992
  • M.A. Education, Virginia Tech, 1990
  • B.A. English, University of Virginia, 1987  

Selected Publications and Conferences

Questing for a Memorable Team Style while Writing and Presenting. 2020 NEMLA, Boston MA

Ghostly Stories within Your PowerPoint. 2019 SUNY Council on Writing Conference, Purchase, NY, with Thomas Friedrich

Writing as a Mode of Learning to Build and Transfer Emotional Intelligence. 2018 ABC Conference. Miami, FL

Adjusting to Audience: Emotionally, Cognitively, Culturally. 2017 SUNY Council on Writing Conference, Syracuse, NY

What Protest Affords: Learning and Teaching from Activism in the NeoLiberal University. 2016 SUNY Council on Writing Conference, Albany, NY,

Experimenting with Coding to Assess Tutor Training. 2015 International Writing Center Conference, Tampa, FL,

Writing Programs as Carnival Spaces: How Valuing New Media Texts Changed Four Instructional Landscapes. 2014 SUNY Council on Writing Conference, Syracuse, NY

Headline: Tutors Define, Revise, Re-Imagine their Writing Center with Film. 2014 International Writing Center Conference, Indianapolis, IN

Fostering New-Media-Based Communities in Professional Writing Courses. 2013 SUNY Council on Writing Conference, Buffalo, NY

The Culture of Business as an Influence within Modern Schools. 2007 Building Bridges, Cultures, Literacies & Lives Conference, Jekyll Island, GA

Reflection to Action: Journal Writing as Re-Imagining Community. 2005 Literacies for All Conference, San Diego, CA

Collaboration and Authenticity: The Dialectic of Voice. 1995 CCCC

Teacher Research and Recognizing Diversity: The Author’s Paid Passage Back to the World. Summer 1995, North Carolina English Teacher Journal

file-outline CV - CV Jim Stafford (pdf)