Hewitt C.V.
Lynne E. Hewitt
January 2020-present Chair, Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY.
July 2009-December 2019 Chair, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH. 12 month administrative assignment.
July 2008-July 2009 Interim chair, Department of Communication Disorders, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH.
August 2004-2008: Graduate Coordinator, Department of Communication Disorders, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH.
January 2020-present Professor, Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY.
Courses taught at Ithaca:
Phonetics; Language Disorders 3-21; Cultural Competence in Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Practice
July 2018-November 2018: Visiting Erskine Fellow, University of Canterbury, Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Course taught at University of Canterbury: Language Disorders in Children
May 2017-December 2019: Professor, Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH. Member of the Graduate Faculty.
May 2005-May 2017: Associate Professor, Department of Communication Disorders, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH. Member of the Graduate Faculty.
February 2008-April 2008 Visiting Erskine Fellow, Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Course taught at U. of Canterbury: Advanced Topics in Speech & Language Disorders: Autism.
August 1999-May 2005: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Disorders, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Courses taught at BGSU:
Undergraduate: Language Assessment and Intervention; Speech and Language Acquisition and Development; Research in Speech, Language, & Hearing; Seminar in Autism (Service Learning Course);
Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders; Introduction to Communication Disorders
Graduate: Issues in Phonological Intervention; Pediatric Language Disorders; Language Disorders in School-Age Children; Diagnostics in Communication Disorders; Doctoral Seminar in Language Science I (Linguistic Foundations of Developmental Language Research); Doctoral Seminar in Language Science II (Psycholinguistics of Language Development and Disorders); Doctoral Seminar in Autism; Master’s elective Seminar in Autism; Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology; Clinical Issues—ASD; Doctoral Seminar in Language Sample Analysis.
August 1994-June 1999: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Disorders, The Pennsylvania State University. University Park, PA. Member of the Graduate Faculty.
Courses taught at Penn State:
Undergraduate--Language Disorders in Children; Child Language Development; Child Language Development (Honors section)
Graduate--Language Disorders in Children; Seminar in Communication Disorders (Special Topic: Autism); Doctoral Seminar in Communication Disorders.
1994: Ph.D., Communicative Disorders and Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo.
1987: M.A., Communicative Disorders and Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo.
1980: B.A., with distinction in all subjects, summa cum laude in linguistics and English, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Refereed Articles:
Hewitt, L., Duchan, J., & Segal, E. (1993). Structure and function of verbal conflicts among adults with mental retardation. Discourse Processes, 16, 525-543. http://doi/10.1080/01638539309544852
Hewitt, L., & Duchan, J. (1995). Subjectivity in children’s fictional narrative. Topics in Language Disorders, 15, 1-15.
Hewitt, L. (1998). The influence of question type on response adequacy in young adults with autism. Journal of Communication Disorders, 31, 135-152. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9924(97)00086-5
Hewitt, L. (2000). Does it matter what your client thinks? The role of theory in intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 186-193. http://dx.doi.org/10.1044/0161-1461.3102.186
Hewitt, L. (2000). Assessing communicative intents: A situated pragmatics approach. Seminars in Speech and Language, 21, 257-266. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-2000-13199
Yont, K., Hewitt, L., & Miccio, A. (2000). A coding system for detecting the source of conversational breakdowns in preschool children. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 9:4, 300-309. http://dx.doi/10.1044/1058-0360.0904.300
Yont, K.M., Miccio, A.W., & Hewitt, L.E. (2002). The nature of phonological breakdowns in children with SLI. In N. Hewlitt, L. Kelly, & F. Windsor (Eds.), Investigations in clinical phonetics and linguistics. (pp. 161-168). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Yont, K., Hewitt, L. , and Miccio, A. (2002). “Huh?, What did you say?”: Understanding conversational breakdowns in children with specific language impairment, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 16, 265-285. http://dx.doi/10.1080/02699200210126523
Hewitt, L., Hammer, C., Yont, K., and Tomblin, B. (2005). Language sample analysis measures for children with SLI in Kindergarten. Journal of Communication Disorders, 38, 197-213. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2004.10.002
Hewitt, L., Socko, A., Miccio, A. (2005). Intervention to improve expressive grammar for adults with Down syndrome. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 26:3, 144-155. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/15257401050260030301
Ramachandra, V. A. and Hewitt, L.E. (2007). Language sampling in Kannada: Clinical challenges and potential. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 36:1, 15-32.
Brackenbury, T., Burroughs, E., & Hewitt, L. (2008). A qualitative examination of current guidelines for evidence-based practice in child language intervention. Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 39:1, 78-88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1044/0161-1461(2008/008)
Ramachandra, V., Hewitt, L. , Brackenbury, B., (2011). The relationship between phonological working memory, phonological sensitivity, and incidental word learning. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (40:2), 93-109. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10936-010-9157-8
Lee, B., Chen, Y., & Hewitt, L. (2011). Age differences in constraints encountered by seniors in their use of computers and the internet. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(3), 1231-1237. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2011.01.003
Hewitt, L. (2011). Perspectives on support needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders: Transition to college. Topics in Language Disorders, 31:3, 273-285. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/TLD.0b013e318227fd19
Hewitt, L. (2014). Social anxiety and pragmatics in autism spectrum disorders: Cognitive behavioral therapy and its relation to speech-language pathology. Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 21:1, 5-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1044/lle21.1.5
Banzina, E., Hewitt, L., and Dilley, L. (2014). Using synchronous speech to facilitate acquisition of English rhythm. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 1:1, 69-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.21283/2376905X.1.9
Hewitt, L. (2015). Assessment considerations for college students with autism spectrum disorders. Topics in Language Disorders, 35:4, 313-328. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/TLD.0000000000000073
Santhanam, S.P. & Hewitt, L. (2015). Evidence-based assessment and autism spectrum disorders: A scoping review. Evidence-based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 9:4, 140-181. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17489539.2016.1153814
Banzina, E., Dilley, L., & Hewitt, L. (2016). The role of secondary-stressed and unstressed-unreduced syllables in word recognition: Acoustic and perceptual studies with Russian learners. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 45:4, 813-831. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10936-015-9377-z
Clune, T., Hewitt, L., Archer, B. and Lee, H-S. (2017). Vocalizations elicited by leisure activities in a memory care unit. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders. 2(3), 214-226. http://dx.doi.org/10.21849/cacd.2017.00199
Hewitt, L. (2019). Narrative as a critical context for advanced language learning in ASD. SIG 1 Language Learning and Education Perspectives, 4:3, 430-437. https://pubs.asha.org/doi/10.1044/2019_PERS-SIG1-2018-0021
Santhanam, S. and Hewitt, L.. (2020). Perspectives of adults with autism on social communication intervention, Communication Disorders Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1177/1525740120905501
Chapters and Invited Papers:
Hewitt, L. (1994). Facilitating narrative comprehension: The importance of subjectivity. In Duchan, J., Hewitt, L., & Sonnenmeier, R., Eds., Pragmatics: From Theory to Practice. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Hewitt, L. (1995). Reduced anaphor in subjective contexts. In Duchan, J., Bruder, G., & Hewitt, L., Eds., Deixis in Narrative: A Cognitive Science Perspective. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Zubin, D., & Hewitt, L. (1995). The deictic center: A theory of deixis in narrative. In Duchan, J., Bruder, G., & Hewitt, L., Eds., Deixis in Narrative: A Cognitive Science Perspective. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Hewitt, L. (1998). The implications of diagnostic classification for language assessment in autism. Invited chapter for B.J. Philips & D. Ruscello (Eds.), Differential diagnosis in speech-language pathology. Newton, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Hewitt, L. (1998). A social interactionist view of autism and its clinical management. Journal of Communication Disorders, 31, 89-92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9924(97)00083-X
Hewitt, L. (2003). Behaviorism and autism: Is everything we learned about language in graduate school wrong? Hearsay, 15:2, 18-22.
Hewitt, L. (2005). Evaluating treatment efficacy for language facilitation in autism. ASHA Division 16 Perspectives, 6:3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1044/sbi6.3.21
Hewitt, L. (2008). Investigating novel interventions for ASD: On swimming with dolphins. Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 16:2, 85-88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1044/lle15.2.85
Hewitt, L. (2010). Individual differences in intervention response in children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. In A. Weiss (Ed.) Perspectives on Individual Differences Affecting Therapeutic Change in Communication Disorders. New York: Psychology Press/Taylor and Francis.
Hewitt, L. and Weiss, A. (2015). Transition to college for students with language disorders on and off the autism spectrum. Topics in Language Disorders, 35:4, 297-299. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/TLD.0000000000000072
Hewitt, L. and Simpson, J. (2016, April). The value of the undergraduate degree in communication sciences and disorders. ASHA Access Academics and Research, http://www.asha.org/Academic/questions/The-Value-of-the-Undergraduate-Degree-in-CSD/?utm_source=asha&utm_medium=enewsletter&utm_campaign=accessar040716
Gillam, R. and Hewitt, L. (December 2017). ASHA Report: PhD Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Innovative Models and Practices. ASHA Access Academics and Research E-Zine. https://www.asha.org/Articles/Innovative-Models-and-Practices-of-PhD-Education/
Hewitt, L. (2018). A promising approach for assessing aided language comprehension in 5- to 15-year-old students with severe speech and motor impairments. Evidence-based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1080/17489539.2018.1504425
Hewitt, L. (2019). Pragmatic development. Encyclopedia entry for J. Damico and M. Ball (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Hewitt, L. (2019). Statistical learning. Encyclopedia entry for J. Damico and M. Ball (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Hewitt, L. (2019). Modularity. Encyclopedia entry for J. Damico and M. Ball (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Edited Volumes:
Duchan, J., Hewitt, L., & Sonnenmeier, R., Eds. (1994). Pragmatics: From Theory to Practice. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Duchan, J., Bruder, G., & Hewitt, L., Eds. (1995). Deixis in Narrative: A Cognitive Science Perspective. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Hewitt, L. & Weiss, A. (2015). Co-editors, Topics in Language Disorders special issue, Transition to College for Students with Language Disorders On and Off the Autism Spectrum. 35:4, October-December.
Manuscripts in preparation:
Hewitt, L. Semantics and pragmatics in autism from a teleological perspective.
Santhanam, S. and Hewitt, L. Perspectives of speech-language-pathologists on social communication interventions.
May 1994: Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo. Communicative Competence of Young Adults with Autism: Ability to Meet Listeners' Needs.
September 1987: M.A. thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo. Discourse Analysis of Verbal Conflicts among Mentally Retarded Residents of a Group Home.
May 1980: B.A. Honors thesis, Cornell University. Metaphor: An Interdisciplinary Study.
Recent Invited Presentations:
June 2019: Providing Support for Social and Communication Challenges in Adolescents and Young Adults with ASD. Invited presentation for the Long Island Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
October 2018: A Lifespan Perspective on Supports for Individuals with Autism. Invited Erskine Fellow Lecture, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
October 2018: Evidence-based Practices in Early Intervention for ASD. Invited lecture, Ministry of Education of New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand.
March 2017: Narrative in Adolescents and Adults with ASD. Invited seminar as part of online conference, Autism in Adolescents and Adults, sponsored by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (Conference presented twice; repeated in August 2017.)
March 2016: Video Modeling and Social Learning in ASD. Short course, invited by the Ohio Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Annual Convention, Columbus, OH.
March 2016: Video Modeling and Social Skills Training for Students with ASD in the Schools and Beyond. All-day workshop, California State University, Chico. Chico, CA.
January 2016: Intervention for Language and Social Communication Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Workshop, invited by the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore, India.
November 2014: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the SLP. Seminar invited by the Language Disorders in School Age Children Topic Committee for presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
February 2014: How the SLP Can Support College Success for Students on the Autism Spectrum. Seminar presented to Ohio Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Annual Convention, Columbus, OH.
November 2013: Contemporary Issues in Clinical Practice with ASD. Workshop presented to the Northwest Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Fall Meeting, Toledo, OH.
February 2012: Publishing intervention research: Tips for doctoral students. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
December 2011: Pragmatics and Social Communication Challenges on the Autism Spectrum. Seminar presented as part of conference “Putting it All Together for Children on the Autism Spectrum”, Baltimore, MD.
October 2011: Supporting College Students on the Autism Spectrum: Communicative and Cognitive Considerations. Invited presentation, Department of Communicative Disorders, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island.
February 2011: Treatment efficacy in Autism Spectrum Disorders. On-line seminar presented for Speech Pathology.com.
October 2010: Pragmatic Communication Considerations in Clinical Practice for ASD. Two day workshop for Overseas Association of Communication Sciences, Ramstein, Germany.
March 2010: Intervention considerations in autism spectrum disorders: Evidence-based practices. Invited Thielman Lecture, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
March 2009: An individual differences perspective on communication interventions for ASD. Invited seminar presented at the Department of Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
March 2009: Intervention Considerations in ASD: Individual Differences and Intensity. Seminar presented to Ohio Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Annual Convention, Columbus, OH.
April 2008: Autism: An Introduction. Seminar presented at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
November 2007: Hewitt, L.. Identifying and using effective strategies for phonological and language impairments: Three case examples. Invited seminar presented at the Ohio School Speech Pathology & Educational Audiology Coalition Annual Conference, Akron, OH.
November 2007: Hewitt, L.. Grammar and the clinician: Improving your analysis skills. Invited seminar presented at the Ohio School Speech Pathology & Educational Audiology Coalition Annual Conference, Akron, OH.
November 2007: Hewitt, L. & Ukrainetz, T. SLP 911: Challenging language disorders cases. Invited seminar presented at the Ohio School Speech Pathology & Educational Audiology Coalition Annual Conference, Akron, OH.
April 2007: Hewitt, L. Autism spectrum disorder update: Assessment and intervention. Day-long invited seminar presented at the Inez Miller Conference on Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK.
April 2007: Scott, L., Hewitt, L., and DiGiovanni, J.. Marginal students: A continuing dialogue. Invited plenary session presented at the Council on Academic Programs in Communication Disorders, Palm Springs, CA.
November 2006: Hewitt, L. Grammatical analysis and the clinician: A practical guide. Seminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.
November 2006: Gillam, R., Dollaghan, C., Fey, M. & Hewitt, L. Making clinical sense: Results of a major language intervention trial . Invited panel discussant, the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.
April 2006: Prelock, P., Masterson, J., & Hewitt, L. Writing literacy into the curriculum. Seminar presented at the Council on Academic Programs in Communication Disorders, Sandestin, FL.
April 2006: Hewitt, L. Developmental pragmatics in clinical practice: Fostering competent communicators. Communication Sciences and Disorders Workshop, Worcester State College, Worcester, MA.
February 2006: Naturalistic, focused stimulation interventions for communicative impairments in autism. Web seminar presented at SpeechPathology.com.
January 2006: Evaluating treatment efficacy for language facilitation in autism. Web seminar presented at SpeechPathology.com.
November 2005: Hewitt, L. Language processing and auditory processing. Day-long seminar presented in Fort Lee, N.J., for Clinical Connections, Inc.
November 2004: Hewitt, L. Evidence-based Practice for Language Disorders in Autism and Naturalistic, Focused Stimulation Interventions for Communicative Impairments in Autism. Two-day invited series of talks presented at Ohio School Speech Pathologist and Educational Audiologist Coalition Annual Meeting, Huron, OH.
March 2004: Hewitt, L. Communicative development in autism: Research to practice. Invited presentation for J.P. Scott Center for Neuroscience Public Forum for Brain Awareness Week, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH.
October 2002: Hewitt, L. Interventions to Increase Spontaneous Communication in Autism. Seminar presented at Ohio School Speech Pathologist and Educational Audiologist Coalition Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
October 2002: Rowan, L., Hewitt, L., & Creaghead, N. Speciality Recognition in Child Language. Seminar presented at Ohio School Speech Pathologist and Educational Audiologist Coalition Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
October 2000: Pragmatic Language, Autism and Linguistic Theory, and Clinical Intervention For Pragmatic Language Disorders in Autism. Invited speaker, Van Riper Lectures, series of talks on: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
September 2000: Pragmatic Language Disorders in Children with Autism. Invited all-day workshop, Alfred Carr Center, Zanesville, OH.
November 2017: Clune, T., Hewitt, L., Archer, B., and Lee, H-S.. Vocalizations Elicited by Leisure Activities in a Memory Care Unit. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
April 2017: Hewitt, L. and Crais, E. The Value of the Undergraduate Degree in CSD. Seminar presented at the Council of Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
April 2017 Crais, E., Hewitt, L., & Tellis, G. Enhancing PhD Preparation: Perceptions from 73 CSD PhD Program Coordinators. Seminar presented at the Council of Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
November 2016: Crais, E.*, Bentler, R.*, Hewitt, L.*, Lister, J.*, Simpson, J., Gillam, R., Cone, B., Folsom, R., Williams, A.L., Tellis, G., Nelson, D., Nunez, L. Enhancing PhD Preparation Through Shared Ideas Across CSD Programs. Seminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. *Presenters.
November 2016: Hewitt, L.*, Altman, H.*, and Kelliher, K. Video Modeling for Social Communication in Adults With ASD. Seminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. *Presenters.
November 2015: Chapman, K*., Hewitt, L.*, Koehnke, J., Simpson, J*., McNeil, M., Bentler, R., Cone, B., Crais, E., DiLollo, A. Folsom, R. Gillam, R., Honaker, J., Nunez, L., & Nittrouer, S. Best Practice Considerations for Undergraduate Education in CSD: Report From the Academic Affairs Board. Seminar presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. *Presenters.
November 2015: Ciolino, C., Richley, E., and Hewitt, L. University Students' Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
November 2015: van Vickle, C. & Hewitt, L. Classroom Communication of Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
November 2014: Santhanam, S. P. and Hewitt, L. A Comparison of Maternal Linguistic Responsiveness Directed to Verbal & Nonverbal Children With ASD. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
November 2014: Kelliher, K. & Hewitt, L. Home Use of Tablet Computers by Children With Autism. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
November 2014: Folkins, J., Hewitt, L., Brackenbury, T., & Goberman, A. The Promises & Challenges of Undergraduate Research in Communication Sciences & Disorders. . Seminar presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
June 2014: Santhanam, S.P. and Hewitt, L. Child-Related Factors that Influence Responsiveness in Mothers of Preschool-Age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Mixed-Methods Study. Poster presentation at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
November 2013: Santhanam, S. P. and Hewitt, L. Parent-Child Interactions & Children With Autism: A Novel Perspective. Seminar presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
November 2013: Santhanam, S. P. and Hewitt, L. Perspectives of Adults With ASD on Social Communication Intervention. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
March 2013: Finsel, T., Hewitt, L., & Ha, L. Monolingual and Bilingual Development and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
November 2012: Weiss, A., Hewitt, L., Rohland, P., & Murray, M. Supporting College Students With ASD: A Tale of Two Models. Seminar presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
November 2012: Rollins, P., McCabe, A., Hillier, A., Paul, R., Frazier-Norbury, C., Goldman, S., Losh, M., & Hewitt, L. Narratives in High-Functioning ASD: Significance & Best Practices. Seminar presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
November 2012: Santhanam, S. P., Shattuck, L., Witter, E. and Hewitt, L. Problem Behaviors in ASD: Comparing Parent & Professional Concerns. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
November 2012: Santhanam, S. P. and Hewitt, L. Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perspectives on Social Communication Intervention in ASD. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
March 2012: Banzina, E., Dilley, L, & Hewitt, L. Does Secondary Stress Matter? A Study With Russian ESL Learners. TESOL Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
November 2011: Ha, L., Hewitt, L., & Weinberg, L. Individuals with ASD, their Families, and Professionals: Information Needs. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
November 2011: Hewitt, L. & Rusnak, E. Service Learning and Undergraduate Education in Communication Disorders. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
November 2011: Hiipakka, C., Hewitt, L., & Winner, S. Family Book-Reading Experiences of Preschool Children With & Without ASD. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
November 2011: Hewitt, L., Winner, S., & Santhanam, S.P. ASD & EBP: What About Assessment? . Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
November 2011: Rusnak, E., Brackenbury, T., Hewitt, L., Katz, L., Reichert, J., Wentworth, M., Wojciak, C. CcLAP: A Novel Parent Language Stimulation Program for Low-Income Caregivers. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
November 2009: Wendt, O. & Hewitt, L.. Pseudoscience Versus Evidence-Based Practice in ASD: What Practitioners Should Know. Seminar presented at at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
November 2008: Hewitt, L. Individual differences in response to intervention of children with ASD. Presentation as part of a panel on Individual Differences in Response to Intervention in Child Language Disorders, at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
November 2007: Ramachandra, Vijaychandra, Hewitt, L., & Brackenbury, T., Working memory, phonological knowledge, & preschool word learning. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
August 2007: Ramachandra, Vijaychandra, Hewitt, L., & Brackenbury, T. The relationship between phonological working memory, phonological sensitivity, and incidental word learning. Poster presented at the 27th World Congress of the Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Copenhagen, Denmark.
November 2006: Philip, B. & Hewitt, L. Conversational repair strategies in young adults with autism. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.
November 2006: Philip, B., Nambiar, A., Hewitt, L., & Goberman, A. Narrative language abilities of adults with Parkinson disease. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.
November 2005: Brackenbury, T., Burroughs, E., & Hewitt, L. Evidence-based practice in child language: Validity and feasibility. Seminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
July 2005: Hewitt, L. The social construction of communicative competence in autism. Paper presented as part of a symposium entitled Autism and Social Interaction, at the 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Madison, WI.
March 2005: Hewitt, L. Intervention for developmental language disorders: Evidence-based practice. Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH.
November 2004: Brackenbury, T., Goberman, A., & Hewitt, L. Addressing the new ASHA standards: Flexibility, multiple indices, and remediation. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
November 2004: Hewitt, L. & Hammer, C. Theory and practice: Evaluating theories behind child language interventions. Seminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
May 2004: Hewitt, L. Autism and identity: Clinical decision-making at the boundary between selfhood and disability. Paper presented at Language and Social Interaction in Communication Sciences and Disorders Roundtable Conference, West Greenwich, RI, University of Rhode Island.
March 2004: Small, L., Gooding, C., & Hewitt, L. Language deficits in auditory processing. Seminar presented at the Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting.
November 2003: Small, L., Gooding, C., & Hewitt, L. Language processing and auditory processing. Seminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
November 2003: Hewitt, L. & Ross, S. Evaluating treatment efficacy for language facilitation in autism. Miniseminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
November 2003: Thornton, S., Hewitt, L., & Matuga, J. Use of private speech by children with ASD. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
November 2003: Ramachandra, V. A. & Hewitt, L. Language sampling in a South Indian language: Clinical challenge and potential. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
June 2003: Hewitt, L. & Ross, S. Increasing frequency of spontaneous communication in a child with autistic spectrum disorder. Poster presented at Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
March 2003: Small, L., Hewitt, L., & Gooding, C. Auditory processes and language in college students. Poster presented at the Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH.
November 2002: Hewitt, L., Small, L., & Gooding, C. Measures of Auditory Processing and Language in Typical College Students, poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
November 2002: Hewitt, L. & Ross, S. Spontaneous Language Use in Autism: How to Make it Happen. Seminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
November 2002: Yont, K., Hewitt, L., & Miccio, A. Maternal Perceptions of the Conversational Success of Children with SLI. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
July 2002: Hewitt, L. & Ramachandra, Vijaya A.. Use Of Derivational Morphology By Children With And Without Specific Language Impairment. Poster presented at the Joint meeting, International Association for the Study of Child Language and the Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, Wisconsin.
July 2002: Ramachandra, Vijaya A. & Hewitt, L. Mean Length Of Utterance In Kannada. Poster accepted for presentation, Joint meeting, International Association for the Study of Child Language and the Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, Wisconsin.
April, 2002: Thorton, S., Hewitt, L., & Matuga, J. Use of Private Speech by Individuals with Autism. Poster presented at Ninth Annual University of Toledo/Bowling Green State University/Medical College of Ohio Symposium on Research in Psychiatry, Psychology and Behavioral Science. Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH.
March 2002: Language Sampling Beyond Preschool. Miniseminar presented at the Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Dayton, Ohio.
November 2001: Hewitt, L., Hammer, C., Yont, K., & Tomblin, B. Structured Language Sample Elicitation for Children With & Without SLI. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
June 2001: Hewitt, L., Hammer, C., Yont, K.,Tomblin, B., and Cogburn, A. Language sample analysis measures for children with SLI in Kindergarten. Poster presented at the Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
November 2000: Hewitt, L. Choosing an intervention strategy for pragmatic language disorders in autism. Paper presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
November 2000: Yont, K., Miccio, A., & Hewitt, L. Phonological errors in communication breakdowns of children with SLI. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
August 2000: Yont, K., Miccio, A., & Hewitt, L. The nature of phonological breakdowns in children with SLI. Poster presented at the International Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics Association Annual Meeting, Edinborough, Scotland, U.K.
November 1999: Yont, K. & Hewitt, L. Nature of conversational breakdowns in children with specific language impairment. Paper presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
June 1999: Yont, K., Hewitt, L., & Miccio, A. The source of conversational breakdowns in children with specific language impairment. Poster presented at Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
May 1999: Hewitt, L., Socko, A., & Miccio, A. Intervention for syntactic disorders in adults with Down syndrome. Poster presented at the International Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics Association, Montreal, Canada.
November 1998: Hewitt, L., Cullinan, A., Pletcher, J., Silvestro, A.C., & Yont, K. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Initiations of a child with autism: Effect of conversational partner.
November 1998: Yont, K. & Hewitt, L. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. The CBCS: Coding the source of communication breakdowns in preschoolers.
November 1998: Treiber, D. & Hewitt, L. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Increasing commenting skills in a child with autism: A case study.
November 1997: Hewitt, L., Treiber, D., & Yont, K. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Theory of mind and pragmatic language development in typical preschoolers.
August 2017. Mrachko, A., Hewitt, L., Douglas, S., Dieker, L., Taylor, J. (Submitted 8/17 for 2018-2021). Virtual staff intervention in social communication for young children with Autism (Project VISITS). Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. ($1,400,000). Co-principal Investigator. Not funded.
March 2015. Ciolino, C. & Richley, E. (Mentor to undergraduate student application). University students’ knowledge of Autism Symptoms. Center for Undergraduate Research, BGSU; $750.
June 2013. Santhanam, S.-P.. (Mentor to doctoral student application). Predictors Of Responsiveness In Mothers of Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Organization for Autism Research Graduate Student Grant competition, amount requested $1578; funded $1000.
April 2013. L. Hewitt, Speed Grant, Office of the Provost, BGSU. To support bringing a certified Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised trainer to BGSU for two-day intensive workshop. $400.
April 2013. L. Hewitt, Building Strength Small Grant Proposal Submission, BGSU, Tablet Computing Applications for Autism Spectrum Disorder, $1499. Collaborative project with Louisa Ha, Telecommunications.
Summer 2012. L. Hewitt and T. Finsel. Undergraduate Research Summer Research Scholar Program, BGSU, Bilingual Language Development and Autism Spectrum Disorder, $3400.
Summer 2010. L. Hewitt & S. Winner. Undergraduate Research Summer Research Scholar Program, BGSU, Pragmatic Language Impairment in Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, $3400.
2020; Tarynn Clune, Experiences And Perspectives of Activity Facilitators in Memory Care. Master’s thesis, BGSU.
2017: Kathryn O’Donnell, Critical Review of Applied Behavioral Analysis and Parental Involvement for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Director, Undergraduate Honor’s Project.
2017: Mackenzie Ragland, Does Sensory Integration Improve Core Deficit Skills in ASD? Mentor, McNair Scholar Research Project, BGSU.
2017: Tarynn Clune, Communicative Behaviors Elicited by Leisure Activities in Memory Care Units, Director, Undergraduate Honor’s Project.
2016: Haley Altman, Video Modeling for Social Communication in Adults with ASD. Director, Undergraduate Honor’s Project.
2016: Chelsea van Vickle, Exploring Interactions of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Instructional Contexts. Master’s thesis, BGSU.
2015. Christel Ciolino and Elizabeth Richley. University Students' Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Independent undergraduate research project.
2015: Cara Walton, This Ain’t How You Write: African American English and College Level Writing. McNair Scholar Research Project, BGSU.
2014: Siva priya Santhanam, Parent-child Interaction in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. Doctoral dissertation, BGSU.
2012: Elina Banzina, The Role of Secondary-stressed and Unstressed-unreduced Syllables in Speaker Intelligibility: An Acoustic and Perceptual Study with Russian Learners of English. Role: chair of committee, Primary Advisor: Laura Dilley. Doctoral dissertation, BGSU.
2012: Tayler Finsel. Bilingualism and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Director, Undergraduate honor’s project.
2011: Ciera Hiipakka. A Language Analysis of Parent-Child Storybook Reading with Typically Developing Preschoolers and Preschoolers with ASD. M.S. thesis, BGSU.
2010: Rebecca Morrow. Pragmatic Language In Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Director, Undergraduate honor’s project.
2008: Biji Philip. Conversational repair ability of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Doctoral dissertation, BGSU.
2008: Jeeva John. Acoustic analysis of speech of persons with autistic spectrum disorders. M.S. thesis, BGSU.
2007: Vijaychandra Angalli Ramachandra. Relation between phonological working memory, phonological sensitivity, and rate of vocabulary acquisition. Doctoral dissertation, BGSU.
1999: Yont, Kristine. The source of conversational breakdowns in children with specific language impairment and children with typically developing language. Doctoral dissertation, Penn State.
1999: Socko, Angela. Intervention for syntactic and pragmatic disorders in adults with Down syndrome: A series of case studies. Master’s thesis, Penn State.
1999: Treiber, Donna. Increasing the use of comments by a child with an autistic spectrum disorder and hyperlexia: A case study. Doctoral dissertation, Penn State.
2020 Member, M.S. thesis committee, Makayla Morgan, Docent Training Using Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Communicative Disorders & Sciences, BGSU.
2020: Member, M.S. thesis committee, Kristi Crumrine, Are Speech-Language Pathologists Prepared to Work in Palliative Care Settings by University Curriculums? Communicative Disorders & Sciences, BGSU.
2020: Member, M.S. thesis committee, Nora Gulick, tentative title, Facilitation of Group Therapy by Novice and Expert Speech-Language Pathologists, Communicative Disorders & Sciences, BGSU.
2019: Graduate Faculty representative, Nelum Hapuhinna, Department of Statistics, BGSU.
2019: Master’ thesis examiner, Ingrid Anne Yu Chi. Improving the Social Communication Skills of Children with Autism Through Video Self-Modelling: An Early Efficacy Study Using Single Subject Design. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
2018: Graduate Faculty representative, Zehui Dai, School of Media and Communication, BGSU.
2018: Graduate Faculty representative, Justin McGraw, Dept. of Psychology, BGSU.
2018: Master’s thesis examiner, Stephanie MacIntyre. Parents’ Expectations and Experiences of Child-focused Speech-language Therapy in New Zealand. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
2015-2017: Member, Dissertation Committee, Elizabeth Witter, CDIS.
2017: Member, M.S. thesis committee, Hannah Niese, CDIS. Jump Start Vocabulary: Teaching Shape Bias To Increase Expressive Vocabulary.
2015: Member, preliminary examination committee, Srihimaja Nandamudi, CDIS.
2013: Graduate Faculty representative, Adam Combs, Bayesian Model Checking Methods for Dichotomous Item
Response Theory and Testlet Models, Mathematics & Statistics.
2013-14: Member, Preliminary Examination Committee, Elizabeth Witter, CDIS.
2012-13: Member, Dissertation Committee, Stephanie Richards, CDIS.
2012: External Examiner, Tze-Peng Wong dissertation, Changes in the Conversational Skills of Preschool Children with Complex Developmental Difficulties. University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2012-2013: Chair, Preliminary examination committee, Siva priya Santhanam, doctoral student, CDIS.
2011-12: Member, Tentative Degree Program and Preliminary examination committees, Stephanie Richards, doctoral student in CDIS.
2010: Graduate Faculty representative, preliminary examination committee, Ann Marie Mercer, Dept. of Psychology.
2009-2011: Member, Dissertation committee, Emily Rusnak, Addressing the effects of poverty on early child language development: A feasibility study for a novel parent language stimulation program.
2009-2010: Chair, Preliminary examination committee, Elina Banzina.
2009: External Reader, Sinéad McNally, Against theoretical eclecticism and in support of a unified conceptual framework for autism intervention research. Thesis presented to the University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
2006: Member, Dissertation committee, Derek Daniels, Exploring the school experiences of people who stutter: Triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data.
2005. Member, Dissertation committee, Christine Gooding. Lexical ambiguity resolution in children: Frequency and context effects.
2021-2023 Section Editor, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
2020 Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
2020 Reviewer, Council on Academic Programs in Communication Sciences & Disorders Ph.D. Scholarships.
2019-2020 Member, Autism Topic Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting for 2020.
2019, 2020: Reviewer, New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship program, American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation.
2019: Review panelist, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 2019 Interdisciplinary Preparation in Special Education, Early Intervention and Related Services for Personnel Serving Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs (CFDA #84.325K).
2019 Judge, Ohio Junior Science & Humanities Symposium.
2018: Reviewer, Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Foundation.
2018: Judge, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association student posters.
2017: External program review committee member, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
2017: Review panelist, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 2017 Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel Program (CFDA #84.325K).
2017: Review panelist, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 2017 Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel Program (CFDA #84.325D).
2016: Reviewer, New Investigators Research Competition, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Foundation.
2015-2017 Chair (2017) and Member, Academic Affairs Board, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
2016: Reviewer, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting Student Poster contest.
2015-2016: Member, Autism Topic Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting for 2016.
2015 Co-Editor, Special Issue, Topics in Language Disorders.
2015: Review panelist, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 2015 Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel Program (CFDA #84.325D).
2014: Review panelist, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) – Phase I Grant Competition, U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), April 2014.
2014-2015: Member, Autism Topic Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting for 2015.
2013-2014: Member, Autism Topic Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting for 2014.
2013-2015: Guest Associate Editor, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools. (5 manuscripts)
2013: Review panelist, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 2013 Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel Program (CFDA #84.325D).
2012: Review panelist, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 2012 Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel Program (CFDA #84.325D).
2011-2012 Topic Chair for Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting for 2012. Largest topic committee for this meeting.
2012-2019: Site visitor, Council on Academic Accreditation, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
2011: Site visitor trainee, Council on Academic Accreditation, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
2008-2011 Coordinator, Special Interest Group I Steering Committee, Language Learning and Education, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Elected position, head of group with over 4000 affiliates.
2010-2011 Member, Language Science Review Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting for 2011.
2009-2010 Member, Language Science Review Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting for 2010.
2008-2009 Topic Coordinator for Autism, Annual Meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, November 2009.
2008 Reviewer, Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development. American Speech Language Hearing Foundation.
2007-2009 Associate Editor, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools.
2006-2007 Member, Scope of Practice Review Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Committee charge to revise and re-write Scope of Practice Document for Speech-Language Pathology.
2006-2007 Member, Language in School Age Children Review Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting, 2007
2005-2008: Elected member, Division I Steering Committee (Language Learning and Education Special Interest Division), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. E-mail list and web-events coordinator.
2003-2006: Editorial consultant, language development and disorders, and autism, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
2006: Reviewer, CE Product on Asperger Syndrome, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Publications.
2004-2005: Member, Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Review Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting 2005.
2003-present: Ad hoc Reviewer, Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research; American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology; Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, Child Development, Topics in Language Disorders, Journal of Communication Disorders, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities; Psycholinguistics; Applied Psycholinguistics; Cambridge University Press (book review); Journal of Child Language; Communication Disorders Quarterly.
2002-2003: Member, Language Science Review Committee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Meeting for 2003.
2002: Reviewer, Treatment Efficacy Summary for Autism, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
2001-2003: Editorial consultant in oral language disorders, autism, and language development, Language Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools.
2001: Reviewer, Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development. American Speech Language Hearing Foundation.
2002-2003: , Member, Language Science Review Committee for American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2003 Convention Program.
2000: Reviewer, New Investigator Research Grant Competition Child Language, American Speech Language Hearing Foundation.
1998-2000: Editorial consultant in oral language disorders, autism, and language development, Language Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools.
1996-1997: Division I representative, Language Science Review Committee for American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1997 Convention Program.
Certificate of Clinical Competence, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Ohio Licensure in Speech-Language Pathology
1999 to 2019: Clinical supervisor/clinical consultant, Speech and Hearing Clinic, Bowling Green State University. Supervising intervention and diagnostics in graduate training clinic. Specializing in child language disorders and autism. Provided ongoing consulting to students and faculty for clients with ASD.
1989-1991: Buffalo Hearing and Speech Center, Buffalo, New York. Speech-language pathologist.
1987-1989: Niagara County Association for Retarded Children, Day Treatment Center, Niagara Falls, New York. Speech-language pathologist.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
ASHA Special Interest Group 1: Language Learning and Education
ASHA Special Interest Group 10: Issues in Higher Education
Certificate of Appreciation awarded by Center for Faculty Excellence, BGSU for Making a Difference for BGSU Students, March 2019.
Erskine Fellowship Awardee (2018), University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. For July-November 2018.
Phi Kappa Phi faculty affiliate selection, 2017.
Fellow, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Elected 2014)
Most Valuable Professor Student Athlete Award, 2013
Inaugural Cadre of Advisors, and Board Recognized Specialist, Specialty Board on Child Language, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2002-2008)
Award for Continuing Education (ACE Award), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004; 2006; 2010; 2011; 2014; 2017; 2019)
Erskine Fellowship Awardee (2008), University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Phi Beta Kappa
Hindi, fluent speaking, basic reading and writing
French and Spanish, good reading, basic spoken and comprehension