Recent Presentations
NOTE: Presentations published in conference proceedings are listed as publications.
“LEED Platinum – Our Goal,” with Lape, B., Leadership Tompkins Conference, Ithaca College, November 8, 2007. (CP)
“LEED Platinum,” with Lape, B., U.S. Green Building Council Conference, Syracuse, NY, April 18, 2007. (CP)
“Resume Development Workshop,” Ithaca College NABA and Ithaca College Accounting Association co-sponsored program, Fall 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, and also co-sponsored with Beta Alpha Psi, Fall 2006, 2007, and 2008. (LP)
“Using Real-World Fraud Cases to Introduce Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts,” with Phillips, F., National Conference of Teachers of Accounting at Two-Year and Community Colleges Association, Atlanta, GA, May 18-20 (2006). (LP)
“The Value of Internships: She Said – They Said,” with Javeri, K and Nyambuya, R., The New Accountant, Fall (2006). (CP)
"Accounting for Intercorporate Investments, Universiteit Maastricht, The Netherlands (October 20, 2005).