Leigh Ann Vaughn

Professor, Psychology

Students in my research team have done well getting paid internships and lab manager positions

David Chun

  • Starting spring 2024, Post-Baccalaureate Research Assistant: Social Perception, Action, and Motivation (SPAM) lab at New York University. Supervisor: Prof. Emily Balcetis 

Rachael Chalachan

  • 2021-2023 clinical internship at McLean Hospital, the largest psychiatric teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. Community residence counselor in a residential treatment program for adolescents.

Chase Garvey:

  • 2022-2024 Lab Manager, Human Diversity Lab at Princeton University. Supervisor: Prof. Kristina Olson
  • 2021 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates, Duke University, Raleigh, NC, Duke Identity and Diversity Lab. Advisor: Prof. Sara Gaither

Audrey Harkness:

  • 2008-2010 Groups and Workshops Post Baccalaureate Intern, Alliance Health Project (formerly known as AIDS Health Project) University of California, San Francisco

Jolie Baumann Wormwood:

  • 2006 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates, Clemson University, Clemson, SC Computational Number Theory and Combinatorics. Advisors: Neil Calkin and Kevin James