Recent Presentations
"'Love' Contracts in the Workplace," with Barken, J. North East Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting and Conference (April 29-30, 2006).
"Private Clubs and Discrimination Law," with Seaquist, G. and Barken, J. Annual Meeting of the North East Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Bolton Landing, NY, April 2005.
"Criminal Liability for Amusement Park Deaths," with Seaquist, G., North East Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting and Conference (May 2004).
"College and University Liability for Student Suicides," with Seaquist, G. and Kelly, E. North East Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting and Conference (April 2003).
"Sulfite Allergies: FDA Regulation and Liability for Failure to Warn," with Seaquist, G., North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association Annual Meeting and Conference (April 2003).
"Should Amusement Parks Be Federally Regulated?" with Seaquist, G., North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association Annual Meeting and Conference (April 2002).
"Powers of Attorney in New York State Real Estate Transactions," with Seaquist, G., North East Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting and Conference (April 2002).
"Interdisciplinary Legal Studies Programs at Ithaca College," with Seaquist, G., National Consortium of Undergraduate Law and Liberal Arts Programs, Amherst College (April 2002).