Michelle Bradshaw

Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy
School: School of Health Sciences and Human Performance

Project Wheelchair User is an interprofessional learning activity with OT and PT students!

Sharing the value of IPE around wheelchair use!

Bradshaw, M. & Gras, L. (2025, April). Rolling Towards Teamwork: Exploring the Influence of Project Wheelchair User on Occupational and Physical Therapy Student Perspectives. Poster presentation accepted for the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Inspire Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Gras, L. & Bradshaw, M. (2023, October). Project Wheelchair User: PT and OT Collaboration Innovations in IPE How to Create and Sustain Meaningful Learning Activities and Stakeholders. Session at the Educational Leadership Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Gras, L. & Bradshaw, M.(2022, July). Outcomes of Project Wheelchair User: Occupational and Physical Therapy Collaboration. Poster presentation at the Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference, Virtual event through Clarkson College, Omaha, NE.