Marella Feltrin-Morris

Professor and Chair, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Phone: 607-274-3644
Office: Muller Faculty Center 409, Ithaca, NY 14850
Specialty: Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, Translation Studies


Ph.D., Binghamton University, Translation Studies, 2008

Ph.D. Binghamton University, Comparative Literature, 2005

M.A. Binghamton University, Italian, 1999

B.A. University of Venice, Ca' Foscari, Anglo-American Literature, 1995 


Marella Feltrin-Morris has published articles on translation, paratext and pedagogy, as well as on modern and contemporary Italian literature. Among her recent publications are the article “The Representation of Pain in Pirandello’s Short Stories: Towards an Ethics of Translatability” (2023) and the book chapter “Diego Marani’s Interpreters, Linguists, Lawbreakers and Loonies” (2023).  Her translations of short stories by Luigi Pirandello and Massimo Bontempelli have appeared in North American Review, Two Lines, Exchanges and Green Mountains Review, among other journals. Her translation of Paola Masino’s novel, Birth and Death of the Housewife, was published by SUNY Press in 2009. She is a contributor to the collaborative digital edition, Stories for a Year, an ongoing project that will provide the first complete English translation of Pirandello’s short stories. To date, twenty of her translations of Pirandello’s short stories have appeared in Stories for a Year. She is Professor of Italian and coordinator of the Translation Studies Minor at Ithaca College. At Ithaca College, she teaches Italian language, literature and culture at all levels, as well as courses on translation theory and practice. She also coordinates the Translation Studies Minor. 


(*in English)

ITAL 101 and ITAL 102 - Elementary Italian I and II

ITAL 201 and ITAL 202 - Intermediate Italian I and II

ITAL 200: Intermediate Italian

ITAL 220 - Folktales to Fantasy: Children's Literature in Translation*

ITAL 205: Italy: Language and Culture (IC Summer Program in Siena)

ITAL 260: A Place To Call Home: Origins and Identity in Italian Literature, Film, Art and Music*

ITAL 323: Parliamo! Italian Conversation

ITAL 324: Conversazione e Cultura

ITAL 328: Practice in Reading and Writing in Italian

ITAL 340: Italian Contemporary Culture

ITAL 345: Italian Culture: A Culinary Journey

ITAL 350: Italian Culture through Cinema

ITAL 355: From Theory to Practice: The Translator's Toolbox

ITAL 380: Everybody on Stage! The Magic of Italian Theater

LNGS 111: Cross-Cultural Journeys through Cinema (team-taught)*

LNGS 19402: Introduction to the Art of Translation*

LNGS 245/WRTG 245: Translation and (Self-)Discovery*

LNGS 250/ENGL 250: Translation: The Art of Disguise*

LNGS 498: Senior Project in Translation


file-outline Feltrin-Morris CV - feltrin-morris-cv (pdf)