M.M., B.S., Ithaca College. Performances with Chuck Israels, Billy Hart, Gerry Niewood, Ben Riley, Claudio Roditi, Bill Goodwin, Marian McPartland, Jimmy Smith, Barry Harris. Concerts and clinics throughout the U.S., Canada, Spain, Portugal, France, Turkey. Recordings as sideman with Chuck Mangione; the National Jazz Ensemble; Full, Faith, and Credit; Danny D’Imperio; Steve Gilmore. Recordings as leader, Good Lines and Child’s Play (Cafe Records), Night Waves and Cross Roads (Brown Cats Productions). Featured artist, Impressions of Point Lobos, by Ray Brown Great Big Band (Brown Cats Productions). Coauthor with Ray Brown, An Introduction to Jazz Improvisation (book and recording). Author, Jazz Solos for Guitar, vol. 1. Newly published big band pieces include Catch Phrase and Two Birds, One Stone (Kendor Music).
Steve Brown
Professor Emeritus, Music Performance
Email: stbrown@ithaca.edu