Recent Publications
Islamic Identity and the Struggle for Justice, co-edited with N. Barazangi, and O. Afzal, Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 1996.
Competing in a Global Economy, compiled and edited, Ithaca, New York: Ithaca College, 1995.
Some Administrative Aspects of the Collection and Distribution of Zakah and the Distributive Effects of the Introduction of Zakah in Modern Economies. Scientific Publishing Centre, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.,1987.
Some Aspects of the Economics of Zakah, compiled and edited, American Trust Publications, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1981.
Chapter 12: Riba and Interest in Islamic Banking: a Historical Review, in The Foundations of Islamic Banking: Theory, Practice and Education, edited by M. Ariff and M. Iqbal, Edward Elgar, UK and USA, 2011.
Chapter 22: Micro Finance, Female Literacy, and Self-Sustaining Economic Growth in Turkey, in Knowledge, Economy & Management, Volume I. Edited by Ibrahim Guran Yumusak. Knowledge Society Publishing, March, 2008, pp.303-315.
"Chapter 1: Ease Asian Economic Performance in Retrospect," in Globalization and East Asia: Opportunities and Challenges. Edited by Khosrow Fatemi. The Haworth Press, Inc. 2006, pp. 3-14.
"Chapter 16: Globalization and Future Research Interests on East Asia,” in Globalization and East Asia: Opportunities and Challenges. Edited by Khosrow Fatemi. The Haworth Press, Inc. 2006, pp. 277-280.
“Islamic Perspectives on Territorial Boundaries and Autonomy,” in Hashmi, S.H. edited Islamic Political Ethics: Civil Society, Pluralism, and Conflict, Chapter Four, Princeton University Press, 2004, pp. 79-101.
“Trade and Investment Climate in Economic transformation of Selected Countries,” in Fatemi, K. and Jourdan, D., edited, Contemporary Developments in International Business, Paris, France: Editions Eska 2002, Chapter Six, pp. 79-92
"Restoring Growth in Asia: A Reexamination of Trade and Investment," in Khosrow Fatemi edited International Public Policy and Regionalism at the Turn of the Century, Chapter 17, U.K.: Pergamon Press/Elsevier Science, 2001.
"The Causes and Implications of the 1997 Collapse of the Financial Markets in East Asia," in Meric, I, and Meric, G, edited Global Financial Markets at the Turn of the Century, Chapter 8, U.K.: Pergamon Press/Elsevier Science, 2001.
“Islamic perspective on Territorial Boundaries and Autonomy,” in Miller, D. and Hashmi, S. H. edited Boundaries and Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives, Chapter Nine, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2001.
“Impact of Trade and Investment Policies on Economic Transformation in East Asia, the Middle East and Latin America” in John H. Dunning edited Globalization, Trade and FDI, Chapter 12, U.K.: Elsevier Science, 1998.
"Competition in the Financial Services Industry in the Wake of European Monetary Union,” in Fatemi, K. edited, International Trade in the 21st Century, Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science, 1997, Chapter 13.
"Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Outflows of Selected OECD Countries,” co-authored with Fahri Unsal, in Ghosh, D.K., and E. Ortiz edited, The Global Structure of Financial Markets, London: Routledge, 1997, Chapter 22.
"Economic Justice in Islam, Ideals and Reality: The Cases of Malaysia, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia,” in Barazangi, Zaman, and Afzal edited, Islamic Identity and the Struggle for Justice, Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 1996, Chapter 4.
"Debt Burden and Financial Capital Flows to the Less-Developed Countries and the Former Centrally Planned Economies,” in Gray, P.H. and S.C. Richard edited, International Finance in the New World Order, Oxford, England: Elsevier Science Ltd., 1995, Chapter 20.
"Balance of Payments Implications of the Break-Up of the U.S.S.R. for its Former Republics and the East European Countries," in Dilip K. Ghosh and Edgar Ortiz edited, The Changing Environment of International Financial Markets: Issues and Analysis, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994, Ch. 9.
"Some Issues in External Debt, Domestic Policies and Economic Development," in Khosrow Fatemi and Dominick Salvatore-edited Foreign Exchange Issues, Capital Markets and International Banking in the 1990s. Publisher: Taylor & Francis, 1993, Chapter 21, pp. 255-262.
"The Operation of the Modern Financial Markets for Stocks and Bonds and its Relevance to an Islamic Economy", in Skeikh G. S. Abod, Syed O. S. Agil, and Aidit H. Ghazali edited An Introduction to Islamic Finance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Quill Publishers, 1992, chapter 17, pp. 362-378.
"Some Issues in Risk Management and Insurance in a Non-Muslim State," Chapter 10, in Dr. F. R. Faridi-edited Essays in Islamic Economic Analysis, New Delhi, India: Genuine Publications & Media Private Ltd., 1991.
"The Impact of Maquiladoras on Mexico's Balance of Payments," in Khosrow Fatemi-edited, The Maquiladora Industry: Economic Solution or Problem? New York: Praeger, 1990, Part 5, Chapter 13, pp. 199-206.
"Debt Flows and Variability of Foreign Exchange Rates of the Thirteen Largest Debtor Nations," coauthored with Mulugetta and Talwani, in Khosrow Fatemi-edited International Trade and Finance (New York: Praeger), 1988, Chapter 4, pp. 41-55.
The Search for Absolute Values and the Creation of the New World, Volume II, The International Cultural Foundation Press, New York, 1982, a paper entitled "Marxism: A Transnational Actor for a New World?" pp. 1059-1076.
"Policy Implications of Introducing Zakah into Bangladesh and into Saudi Arabia,” in Some Aspects of the Economics of Zakah, edited by M. Raquibuz Zaman, American Trust Publications, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1981, pp. 209-226.
Empirical Studies on Pakistan Agriculture: Readings in Development Economics, No. 3, by Hussain and Khan (ed.), Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Karachi, Pakistan, 1970, pp. 295-315, article entitled "Marketed Surplus Function of Major Agricultural Commodities in Pakistan." This chapter originally appeared as an article in the Autumn 1966 issue of the Pakistan Development Review.
Bangladesh -- Sector Study, Volume III -- Sector Economics, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (The World Bank), 1972, Technical Report No. 6, "Land Tenancy and Taxation."
East Pakistan -- Sector Study, Volume VI -- Supporting Papers, ANNEX VI-2, The World Bank -- "The Special Problem of Employment," coauthored with John W. Mellor, 1972.
Agricultural Policy in Developing Countries, Nurul Islam (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, 1974, pp. 467-479, article entitled "Extension Service, Education and Agricultural Development -- A Review of International Experiences with Special Reference to Bangladesh," coauthored with S. R. Bose, pp. 467-479.
Two articles originally entitled:
(1) A Comparative Study of Causes and Patterns of Growth in Exports from India, Pakistan, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan during the Decades of 1950's and 1960's."
(2) "Foreign Aid and Economic Growth -- A Comparative Study of Economies India, Pakistan, Taiwan and Korea in the Period between 1952 and 1970."
Revised versions of these two articles appears as Chapters VIII and IX in John W. Mellor's, The New Economics of Growth: A Strategy for India and the Developing World, A Twentieth Century Fund Study, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1976, pp. 192-242.
"The Causes and Ramifications of the 2008-2009 Meltdown of the Financial Markets on the Global Economy," Eurasian Journal of Business & Economics, Volume 2 Number 4, November 2009, pp. 63-76.
“Riba (Usury), and the Place of Interest in Islamic Banking and Finance,” the International Journal of Banking and Finance, 2008/09, Volume 6 No. 1, August-September, 2008, pp. 1-16.
“Foreign Direct Investment in West Asia and Emerging Alliance for Growth and Transformation,” the Journal of Global Business, Volume 16, No. 30, Winter 2005, pp. 31-39.
“Flow of Foreign Direct Investment: AN Examination of Economic and Non-Economic Factors,” the International Journal of Finance, Volume 16, No. 01, 2004, pp. 2892-2903.
"Foreign Direct Investment and Host Countries Trade Balance: An Empirical Study of Selected Transition Economies of Europe and Asia," co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi and Fahri Unsal, the Journal of Global Business, Volume 14, No. 27, Fall 2003, pp.31-42.
"Interest-Free Islamic Banking: Ideals and Reality," co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi, the International Journal of Finance, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2002, pp. 2428-2443.
“An Empirical Investigation of the Relevance of Investment Development Path and FDI on the Stage of Economic Development,” co-authored with Fahri Unsal, the Journal of Global Business, Volume 13, No.25, Fall 2002, pp. 55-67.
“Trade Impact of Western MNC’s Foreign Direct Investment in Central & Eastern Europe: A Longitudinal Analysis,” with Hormoz Movassaghi and Fahri Unsal, in the Journal of Current Research in Global Business, Volume 4, No.6, Fall 2002, pp.1-7
The Influence of Standard & Poors’ Ranking Changes on Stock Price Performance,” co-authored with Abraham Mulugetta and Hormoz Movassaghi, in Managerial Finance, Volume 28, No. 4, 2002, pp.19-30
"Relative Performance of Country Based Closed-End Funds at Times of Financial Crisis," co-authored with Alka Bramhandkar in The Journal of Current Research in Global Business, Volume 3, No. 4, Fall 2001, pp. 67-78.
“Islamic Banking: A Performance Analysis,” co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi in Journal of Global Business, Volume 12, No. 22, Spring 2001, pp. 31-38.
“The Impact of Oil Price, Trade, and the FDI in the Economies of the Middle East,” with H. Movassaghi, The Journal of Current Research in Global Business, Volume 2, N.2, Fall 2000.
"Restoring Asian Economies After the Financial Markets Collapse of 1997-98," in Global Economy Quarterly, Volume 1, No. 2, June 2000, pp. 179-189.
"Comparative Performance of American, European and Japanese Automobile Companies in the 1990s," co-authored with Fahri Unsal, in American Business Review, Volume XVIII, Number 1, January 2000, pp. 115-122.
"The Causes and Consequences of the 1997 Crisis in the Financial Markets of East Asia," in Journal of Global Business, Volume 10, Number 17, Fall 1998, pp. 37-44.
"Comparative Performance of U.S., Japanese, and European Multinational Corporations During 1984-1992," in the Journal of Global Business, Volume 7, Number 12, Spring 1996, pp. 5-15.
"A Comparative Analysis of Performance of U.S., Japanese and European Multinational Banks During 1983-1991,” co-authored with Alka Bramhandkar, in The International Journal of Finance, Volume 8, No. 3, 1996.
"Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions in the 1980's: An Analysis of the Financial Characteristics of the Acquired and the Acquiring Companies," co-authored with Abraham Mulugetta and Frank A. DeTraglia, in Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 13, Number 4, 1990, pp. 635-648.
"Monetary and Fiscal Policies of an Islamic State: The Claims Versus the Reality," International Journal of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Volume V, Number 1, 1988, pp. 17-32.
"The Mexican Experience in Debt Swaps, and the Future of U.S.-Mexican Economic Relations," North American Review of Economics and Finance, December 1988, pp.147-164.
"Some Issues in Risk Management and Insurance in a Non-Muslim State," The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 5., No. 2, 1988, pp. 263-273.
"Marketing Financial Services in the U.S.: The Claims and the Reality," coauthored with Unsal and Barley in Kentucky Journal of Economics and Business, Volume Eight, 1987-88, pp. 44-53.
"Attributes of Sound Banking as Perceived by Small Businesses: Results of a Survey," coauthored with W.D. Schlesinger and F. Unsal, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 25, No. 4, October 1987, pp. 47-53.
"Business Organizations and the Instruments for Raising Financial Capital for a Modern Islamic Economy," Islamic Culture, Volume LX, No. 3, July,1986, pp.1-20.
"The Operation of the Modern Financial Markets for Stocks and Bonds and Its Relevance to an Islamic Economy," The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Volume 3, Number 1, September 1986, pp. 125-140.
"Deregulation of Banking and the Investment Dilemma for the Credit Unions of New York State," coauthored with Warren Schlesinger, New York Economic Review, Volume XVI, Spring 1986, pp. 36-49.
"Debt Burden and Economic Woes of the Non-Oil Producing Muslim Countries of Asia: 1974-1984," International Journal of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Volume 2, Number 2, 1985, pp. 37-46.
"Banking, Investment, Insurance and Muslims in North America," Journal, Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, Volume V, No. 1, 1984, pp. 71-76.
"Problems and Alternative Techniques of Estimation of Income and Occupational Distribution of Muslim Minorities," Journal, Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, Volume III, No. 2, 1981, pp. 256-163.
"Investments by U.S. Oil Companies Since the OPEC Oil Price Increases of 1974 and Their Implications for U.S. Policies in Energy Self-Sufficiency," Journal of Business (from School of Business Research Institute, Manhattan College), Volume 9, No. 1, April 1981, pp. 21-28.
"Economic Opportunities in the U.S. for the Economically Disadvantaged Muslims," Al-Ittihad, Volume 17, No. 4., October-December 1980, pp. 47-51.
"Development 'Experts' -- What They Do Wrong," an editorial article in World Wide Projects, August/September 1980, pp. 1 and 4.
"The Impact of Lobbying on U.S. Economic and Military Aid to Selected Countries," The Third World Review, Volume 4, No. 2, Fall 1978, pp. 80-91.
"Sharecropping and Economic Efficiency in Bangladesh,” Bangladesh Economic Review, Volume I, No. 2, April 1973, pp. 149-172.
"The Economic Implications of a Complete Free Trade and an Alternative Form of Free Trade in Sugar Through 1980," Pakistan Development Review, Volume VI, Autumn 1966, pp. 376-392.
"Marketed Surplus Function of Major Agricultural Commodities in Pakistan, "Pakistan Development Review, Vol. VI, Autumn, 1966, No. 3, pp. 376-394.
(d) ARTICLES IN PROCEEDINGS (Refereed/Edited/Selected)
“Financial Policies and Regulations in Selected Developed and Emerging Economies Prior to and After the Global Financial Markets Collapse of the 2008-2009: Can Volatility be Controlled by Governmental Regulations?”Proceedings of the Istanbul Conference of Economics and Finance, Fatih University, May 20-21, 2011.
“Impact of Investments in Education and Knowledge Development on Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Countries.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management, June 23-25, 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia- Herzegovina.
“State of Islamic Economics and the Contribution of Prof. Dr. Sabahattin Zaim” in Sabahaddin Zaimi Anlama, Istanbul Iktisatcilar Dernegi, Dec 20,2008
“The Causes and Ramifications of the 2008-2009 Meltdown of the Financial Markets on the Global Economy,” International VII, Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress, Yalova University—Istanbul University, Turkey, October 30--November 1, 2009.
”Riba (usury) and Interest and Islamic Finance: A Historical Review”, in Proceedings of the Syposium on Islamic Banking and Finance: Global Perspective on Ethics and Financial Practices, Published by National Center of Excellence for Islamic Studies (University of Melbourne), Bond University and Monash University, 2009.
“Impact of the USA and EU Financial Markets Collapse of 2008 on the Emerging Economies of Asia and Europe.” International Trade & Finance Association, Beijing, China. May 2009.
“Evaluating the Practices and Prospects of Islamic Banking and Finance.” International Trade & Finance Association, Beijing, China. May 2009.
“Towards an Economic Cooperative Zone of Turkic Nations: Aspirations and Bottlenecks,” International Trade & Finance Association, The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2008, paper No. 6 (
“Micro Finance, Female Literacy, and Self-Sustaining Economic Growth in Turkey,” in the 6th International Congress of Knowledge Economy & Management, Istanbul, Turkey, December 26-28, 2007.
Factors to Gauge to Discover the Directional Move of Currency Prices Using Time Series and Cross Sectional Analysis," with Mulugetta, A., and Mulugetta, Y., in Association for Global Business Eighteenth Annual Meeting, 2006.
“Prospects for Sustained Growth for the Major Emerging Economies in Coming Years, with a Special Reference to Turkey,” in 5th Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress, Kocaeli University, Turkey, 2006, V. I, pp. 248-259.
“Assessing the Impact of Turkish Negotiations for Entry Into the European Union on FDI and Trade in the Region,” in International Trade and Finance Association 15th International Conference, 2005, Paper 47 (see http://
“Globalization, FDI Flows, and Economic Development: Alternative Scenarios for Developed and Emerging Economies,” in Association for Global Business Seventeenth Annual Meeting, 2005.
"The Impact of FDI on the Economies of the Central European Countries and the Performance of Foreign MNC," coauthored with Movassaghi, H. , in Khosrow Fatemi and Susan E. W. Nichols, edited, Europe and the New Global Economy, Volume I, Chapter Ten, Calexico, CA.: International Trade and Finance Association, September 2003.
"Impact of Western MNCs Direct Investment Strategies on the Trade Balances of Host Countries: An Empirical Analysis of Central and Eastern European Countries," coauthored with Movassaghi, H. , Unsal, F., in Khosrow Fatemi and Susan E. W. Nichols, edited, Asia: The Survival Strategies in Global Economy, Calexico, CA.: International Trade and Finance Association, October 2003.
"FDI in West Asia: Rethinking Economic Alliance for Growth and Transformation," Charles M. Byles edited, Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the Association For Global Business, Atlanta, November 20-22, 2003, pp. 253-257.
Investment Development Path Hypothesis and the Stages of Economic Development,” coauthored with Fahri Unsal, Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Association for Global Business, Volume 13, 2002, p. 178.
“Assessing the Nature and Impact of Islamic Banking and Finance,” in the Book of Abstracts, of the 2nd International Conference on Banking and Finance (ICBF 2002), 2002, p.76.
“Restoring Asian Economies after the Financial Markets Collapse of 1997-98,” in Fatemi, K., and Nichols, S. E. W. edited International Business at the Turn of the Century, Volume I: International Finance and Investments, Calexico: California, June 2000, Chapter Fifteen.
“Trade and Investment Climate in Economic Transformation of Transition and Crisis Economies,” in Fatemi, K., and Nichols, S. E. W. edited International Business at the Turn of the Century, Volume II: International Trade and Management, Calexico: California, June 2000, Chapter Nineteen.
“Price Variability and the Economic Performance of OPEC in the 1980s and 1990s,” co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi, in Movassaghi and Ahmed edited, Proceedings of the 2000 Conference of the Northeast Regional Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Ithaca College, pp. 324-336.
"Restoring Growth in East Asia: A Reexamination of The Role of Trade, FDI, and Private Capital Flows," in Khasrow Fatemi and Susan Nichols edited, Globalization in the 21st Century, Volume III: Regional, National and Industry-Specific Studies, 1999, Chapter 54, pp. 849-864. International Trade and Finance Association.
"A Critical Review of Islamic Banking System and Its Practices," co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi, Abstract in Robert D. Goddard III edited, Proceedings of the 1999 Conference, Volume 11, 1999, Association for Global Business, Appalachian University, p. 412.
"Performance of Japanese, European, and American Vehicle MNCs at Times of Changing Economic Fortunes," in Robert D. Goddard III edited, Current Research in Global Business, Volume 10, 1998, Association for Global Business, Appalachian State University, pp. 89-100.
"An Analysis of the Causes and Implications of the 1997 Collapse of the Financial Markets in East Asia," in Gulsar Meric and Susan Nichols edited, The Global Economy at the Turn of the Century, Volume II, International Trade, Laredo, Texas: The International Trade and Finance Association, May 1998, Chapter 26, pp. 483-496.
"The Problems and Prospects of Integration of Central Asian Transition Economies into the Global Economy,” in Fatemi, K. edited International Business in the New Millennium, Volume II (International Trade & Policy Issues), International Trade & Finance Association, May 1997, pp. 525-542.
"A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Spin-Off Companies in the Global Market,” co-authored with Alka Bramhandkar, in Goddard, III, R.D. edited Proceedings of the 1997 Conference: Selected Papers and Abstracts of the Association for Global Business, 1997, pp. 376-383.
"The Role of FDI and Trade Policies in the Relative Pace of Economic Transformation in Central Asian and Central European Countries,” in Fleming, M.J. and N.H. Shooshtari edited Proceedings of the 1996 Conference: Selected Papers and Abstracts of the Association for Global Business, 1996, pp. 96-103.
"Impact of Trade and Investment Policies on Economic Transformation in East Asia, the Middle East and Latin America,” in Dimon, D., I. Tom Linsor, and S. Nichols edited Competitiveness in International Business and Trade, Volume II (International Trade), International Trade & Finance Association, May 1996, pp. 535-554.
"Competition in the Financial Services Industry in the Wake of European Monetary Union,” in K. Fatimi, and S. Nichols edited, International Business in the 21st Century, Volume II (International Finance), International Trade & Finance Association, 1995, pp. 297-312.
"Trade Policies and Economic Transformation of Selected Latin American and Asian Countries: Lessons from the Experience of the Past Twenty-Five Years,” co-authored with Fahri Unsal, in Fleming, M.J., and N.H. Shooshtari edited Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, Association for Global Business, 1995, pp. 221-229.
"Privatization, Trade, and Economic Growth in Central and East European Countries,” in Sokoya, S.K edited Proceedings of the 1994 Conference, Association for Global Business, 1994, pp. 85-92.
"Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Outflows of Selected OECD Countries," co-authored with Fahri Unsal, in Khosrow Fatemi edited The Globalization of Business in the 1990s: Implications for Trade and Investment, 1994, Volume 4, pp. 1,315-1,325.
"A Comparison of Performance of U.S., Japanese, and European Multinational Corporations at Times of Economic Uncertainty," in Anthony Scaperlanda edited, 1994 Contemporary Working Papers in International Trade and Finance, International Trade and Finance Association, 1994, pp. 75-96.
"Debt Burden and the Flows of Financial Capital to the Developing World and the Former Centrally Planned Economies since the Late Eighties", in Moncarz, R. and Renforth, W. -edited The New World Order and Trade and Finance, May 1993, Vol. IV, Chapter 63, pp. 1067 - 1082.
"A Comparative Analysis of Performance of the U.S., Japanese, and European Multinational Banks in the 1980s and the Early 1990s," co-authored with Alka Bramhandkar, in Sesan Kim Sokoya edited Proceedings of the 1993 Conference: Selected Papers and Abstracts, Association for Global Business, 1993, pp. 156-162.
"Progress in Globalization of Security Markets since 1987", in Khosrow Fatemi edited 1992 Proceedings of the International Trade and Finance Association, chapter one, pp 3-20.
"Balance of Payments Implications of the Break-Up of the U.S.S.R. for its Former Republics and the East European Countries", in Khosrow Fatemi edited International Trade and Finance in Rapidly Changing Environment, 1992, Volume IV, chapter 69, pp. 1143-1162.
"Japanese Global Investment Patterns During the 1980s and Potential Trends During the 1990s", coauthored with Fahri M. Unsal, in Thomas I. Kindel-edited Proceedings of the 1992 Conference of the Association for Global Business, November 1992, pp. 441-448.
"Some Issues in External Debt, Domestic Policies and Economic Development," in Khosrow Fatemi edited International Trade and Finance in the 1990s: Proceedings of the International Trade & Finance Association, 1991, Vol. V, pp. 1751-1582.
"The U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: Historical Background, Potential Economic Effects and the Future," coauthored with Fahri Unsal, in Barry W. Poulson, Charles M. Becker, and Allan Rappaport-edited Proceedings of the North American Economics and Finance Association, Fifth International Congress and the Economic Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, February 1991, Vol. II, pp. 571-583.
"The Future of North American and Pacific Rim Countries' Trade and Investment with the EEC in the Wake of Europe after 1992," in Barry W. Poulson, Charles M. Becker, and Allan Rappaport-edited Proceedings of the North American Economics and Finance Association, Fifth International Congress and the Economic Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, February 1991, Vol. II, pp. 735-765.
"Debt Restructuring and Debt Burden: Is One Really a Cure for the Other?," in Thielbar, Nelson, and Kaminarides-edited Proceedings of the 1990 Conference: Selected Papers and Abstracts of the Association for Global Business, November, 1990, pp. 47-53.
"The Brady Plan and the Status of Debt Swaps by the Major Latin American Debtors," in Theilbar and Kaminarides-edited Proceedings of the 1989 Conference: Selected Papers and Notes of the Association for Global Business, Nov. 1989, pp. 158-165.
"Reducing Debt Burden Through Debt Swaps: The Latin American Experience Thus Far," in the Proceedings of the 1988 Conference, edited by Robert L. King, the Academy of International Business, Southeast Region, November 1988, pp. 155-158.
"Developing Financial Instruments and Institutions for an Islamic State: Sorting Out the Issues from the Non-Issues," in Proceedings of the Second Seminar on Islamic Economics, The Association of Muslim Social Scientists and The International Institute of Islamic Thought, November 1988, pp. 1-15.
"The Effects of External Borrowings on the Fluctuations of Foreign Exchange Rates on the Thirteen Largest Debtor Nations," co-authored with A. Mulugetta and S. Talwani, in Khosrow Fatemi edited, North American Economies in the 1990s, Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1, June 18-21, 1987, Laredo, Texas, pp. 93-111.
"Some Conditions for Success in Exporting by the U.S. Small Businesses in the Late Eighties," Bridges for Mutual Economic Growth: International Business Conference II - Proceedings, edited by R. DeVito and R. W. Reinsch, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas, April 1987, pp. 342-352.
"Some Issues in Risk Management and Insurance in a Non-Muslim State," Proceedings Papers of the Seminar on Islamic Economics of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists and International Institute of Islamic Thought, Washington, D.C., March 1987, pp. 374-391.
"The Future of Debt Burden Under Uncertain Flows of Remittance Income for Selected Asian Countries," Proceedings of the 1987 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Southeast Region, U.S.A., edited by D. Lamont, and published by the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management of Northwestern University, 1987, pp. 52-61.
"Factors Determining the Survival of the Relatively Small Size U.S. Banks in the Late Eighties," Issues in North American Trade and Finance: Fourth International Congress, selection editor, R. Tremblay, North American Economics and Finance Association, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 283-297.
"Expected Consequences of Declining Oil Prices on the Economies of Selected Countries," Proceedings of the Academy of International Business, United States Southeast Regional Meeting, edited by H. J. Davis and James B. Thurman, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, November 1986, pp. 49-56.
"A Profile of Accounting Graduates Based on a Time Series Analysis," coauthored with Carl Butterfield in Collected Abstracts of the American Accounting Association's Annual Meeting, August 19-21, 1985, Reno, Nevada, American Accounting Association, p. 142.
"Islamic Economic System and Modernization," abstract of the paper in Book of Abstracts, Annual Meeting (1979), society for the Scientific Study of Religion in conjunction with Religious Research Association, on "Life Style and Faith: Implications for Personal and Institutional Religion," San Antonio, Texas, October 1979, pp. 98-99.
"Workability of an Islamic Economic System in the Modern World," Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference, The Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Plainfield, Indiana, June 1979, pp. 21-30.
Investment Development Path, and Economic Development in Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil”, co-authored with Fahri Unsal in Alfred E. Eckes-edited, 1998 Contemporary Working Papers in International Trade and Finance, Texas A & M International University, Loredo, Texas, 1998, Chapter 1.
Tompkins County: Human Resources -- Projected Manpower Needs and Availabilities, 701 Phase III, Tompkins County Department of Planning, December 1974.
Economic Impact of Improved Highways on the Ithaca-Cortland Growth Center Area: An Analysis of Tompkins County Area, Tompkins County Department of Planning, December 1974.
Generating Employment in Bangladesh: Some Special Problems and Their Possible Solutions," coauthored with John W. Mellor, Occasional Paper, No. 62, Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University, 1973.
"An Analysis of Rice Prices in Bangladesh: 1951-52 to 1967-68," coauthored with M. Asaduzzaman, Bangladesh Institute of Development Economics, Research Report No. 2 (New Series), 1972.
"The Islamic Economy: Analytical Study of the Functioning of the Islamic Economic System," Al-Ittihad: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1, January-March 1980, pp. 1-10.
Graham, Edward M., “Fighting the Wrong Enemy: Antiglobal Activists and Multinational Enterprises,” 2000, in International Trade Journal, Volume XV, No.2, Summer 2001, pp.257-261.
Richter, Frank-Jurgen (Ed), "Business Networks in Asia: Promises, Doubts, and Perspectives," 1999, in International Trade Journal, 2000, Vol. XIV, No. 3, pp. 337-340.
Khambata, Dara, “The Practice of Multi-National Banking: Macro-Policy Issues and Key International Concepts,” 2nd Edition, 1996, in The International Trade Journal, 1998, Vol. XII, No. 3, pp. 411-413.
Baker, James C., "International Business Expansion into Less-Developed Countries: The International Finance Corporation and Its Operations," New York: International Business Press, 1993, in The International Trade Journal, 1994, Vol. VIII, No. 2, pp. 289-290.
Suzuki, Yoshio, and Okabe, Mitsuaki (editors), "Toward a World of Economic Stability: Optimal Monetary Framework and Policy," Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo Press, 1988, in The International Trade Journal, Volume IV, Number 4, Summer 1990, pp. 465-467.
"Fiscal Policies and the World Economy: An Intertemporal Approach," by Frankel, Jacob R. and Razin, Assaf, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1987, in The International Trade Journal, Volume III, No. 2, Winter, 1988, pp. 231-233.
"The Economic Function of the Early Islamic State," by S. M. Hasan-uz-Zaman, International Islamic Publishers, 1981, p. 49, in The Muslim World, Volume LXXVI, No. 1, January 1986.
"The Economic Illusion: False Choices Between Prosperity and Social Justice," by Robert Kuttner, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984, in National Forum: The Phi Kappa Phi Journal, Fall 1985, p. 47.
"Society and Economics in Islam: Writings and Declarations of Ayatullah Sayyid Mahmud Taleghani, translated from the Persian by R. Campbell with annotations and an introduction by Hamid Algar, Mizan Press, 1982, in The Muslim World, Volume LXXV, January 1985, No. 1, pp. 49-50.
"Equality, Efficiency, and Property Ownership in the Islamic Economic System," by Akhtar A. Awan, University Press of America, 1983, in The Muslim World, Volume LXXV, January 1985, No. 1, p. 50.
"Profits Without Production," by Seymour Melman, Alfred A. Knopf, 1983, in National Forum: The Phi Kappa Phi Journal, Winter 1985, p. 48.
"An Economic History of the Middle East and North Africa," by Charles Issawi, Columbia University Press, 1982, in The Muslim World, Volume LXXII, Nos. 3-4, July-October 1982, pp. 275-276.
"Studies in Islamic Economics," edited by Khurshid Ahmad, London: The Islamic Foundation, 1980, p. 390, in The Muslim World, Volume LXXI, Nos. 3-4, July-October 1981, p. 264.
"Development Policy II -- The Pakistan Experience," edited by Walter P. Falcon and Gustav F. Papenek, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1971, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 54, August 1972, pp. 541-542.
"Population and Food Supply: Essays on Human Needs and Agricultural Prospects," edited by Sir Joseph Hutchinson, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1966, in Pakistan Development Review, Volume X, No. 3, August 1970, pp. 399-402.
Tompkins County: Analytic Base, A Phase IV Study, Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan Studies, Tompkins County Department of Planning, Ithaca, New York, August 1975.
Special Volumes
"Some Ideas About Generating Employment in the Agrarian Sectors of the Third World Countries: A WCARRD Follow-up Study," FAO: Rome, Italy, August 1980.
"Analyzing Farm Survey Data on Crop Production to Assess Labour Requirements of Varieties of Crops under Varied Farming Conditions," FAO: Rome, Italy, August 1980.
Land Tenancy and Taxation, The World Bank, 1972 (see "Contributions to Books" above).
The State of Bangladesh Economy in 1972 and Its Prospects in 1973, The U.N., ECAFE (now ESCAP, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), November 1972.
Articles/Chapters in Books
“Operation of Financial Markets in the USA: A Historical Perspective on Unethical Conduct of Market Operatives.”
“A Comparative Analysis of Economic Policies and Performance of the OPEC and Non-OPEC Countries of the Middle East Region since the 1980s.”
Research Work in Progress
“Impact of Prolonged Budget Deficits and Rising Government Debts in Selected European Countries and the USA on the Financial Markets and the Global Economy.”
“Operation of Financial Markets in the USA: A Historical Perspective on Unethical Conduct of Market Operatives.” The Melbourne Conference on Ethics in Financial Transactions & Society: The Way Forward, Melbourne, Australia, September 17-18, 2011.
Keynote Speech at the International Davraz Conference, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey, November 24-27, 2009
“State of Islamic Economics and the Contribution of Professor, Dr. Sabahattin Zaim,” A Sabahattin Zaim Memorial Lecture, Sabahattin Zaim Symposium, Istanbul Iktisatcilar Dernegi, 20th December 2008.
“A Historical Discourse on Riba (usury) and Interest in Islam and the Nature of Today’s Islamic Banking and Finance,” National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies, Australia, University of Melbourne. A Symposium: Islamic Banking and Finance: Ethics and Financial Practice in Global Perspective. Plenary Session I: Usury and Business Ethics in Islamic Financial transactions, November 20, 2008.
“FDI and Micro Credit as Engines for Promoting Growth of Indigenous Entrepreneurs in Selected Emerging Economies,” co-authored with Fahri Unsal, International Trade and Finance Association, Miami, May 16-19, 2007.
“Asia and the Process of Globalization,” an invited lecture at the Symposium on Islam and the Challenge of Modernity, Nazareth College, March 24, 2007.
“Islamic Financial Institutions and Instruments: Neither Islamic nor Innovative,” at the Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic association, New York, February 23-25, 2007.
“Factors to Gauge to Discover the Directional Move of Currency Prices Using Time Series And Cross-Sectional Analysis,” co-authored with Abraham Mulugetta and Yuko Mulugetta, Association for Global Business, November 16-18, 2006 (published as an Abstract of the Conference, Abstract Number 27).
“The Enlargement of European Union: An Analysis of the Challenges Ahead” Coauthored with Fahri Unsal at the Annual Conference of the Association for Global Business, Cancun, Mexico, November 18-21, 2004.
“The European Union and its Enlargement: The Challenges Ahead” Coauthored with Fahri Unsal at the 57th Annual Conference of the New York State Economic Association, Ithaca, New York, October 8-9, 2004.
“FDI in the Middle East and Selected Countries by Western MNC: Alternative Strategies for Investment and Economic Growth,” at the 14th International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, San Antonio, Texas, May 19-22, 2004.
“Economic and Non-Economic Factors in the Flow of Foreign Direct Investment: An Examination,” at the Inaugural International Conference on Business, Banking, and Finance, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies, April 27-29, 2004.
“FDI in the Middle East and Selected Countries: Rethinking Economic Alliance for Growth and transformation,”, at the 15th international Conference of the Association for Global Business, Atlanta, Georgia, November 20-22, 2003.
“The Impact of FDI by Western MNCs on Trade Balances of Selected Transition Economies of Europe and Asia,” co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi and Fahri Unsal, at the Allied Social Sciences Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2-5, 2003.
“Investment Development Path Hypothesis and the Stages of Economic Development,” co-authored with Fahri Unsal, at the 2002 Conference of the Association for Global Business, Las Vegas, November 21-23, 2002.
Ban“Islamic Banking and Finance: Assessing the Need of the Present and the Future,” at the 2002 Oxford king Forum, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, September 21, 2002.
“Assessing the Nature and Impact of Islamic Banking and Finance,” presented at the 2nd International Conference on Banking and Finance, held at Crete, Greece, August 9-12, 2002.
“The Impact of Foreign MNC’s Direct Investment Strategies on the Trade Balances of Host Countries: An Empirical Analysis of Central & East European Countries,” co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi and Fahri Unsal and presented at the 12th the International Conference of the International Trade & Finance Association, Bangkok, Thailand, May 29-June 2, 2002
"Relative Performance of Country Based Closed-End Funds at Times of Financial Crisis," co-authored with Alka Bramhandkar and presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Global Business, Cancun, Mexico, November 16-18, 2001.
”The Impact of FDI on the Economies of the Central European Countries and the Performance of Foreign MNC,” co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi and presented at the Annual Conference of the International Trade & Finance Association, Washington, DC, May 26-29, 2001. “The Impact of Oil Price, Trade, and FDI in the Economies of the Middle East,” coauthored with Hormoz Movassaghi, at the 12th International Conference of the Association for Global Business, Orlando, Florida, November, 2000.
Paper entitled, "A Critical Analysis of the Nature of the Islamic Banking Practices and Their Relevance to the Islamic Jurisprudence," co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi, at the International Conference on Banking and Finance: Issues and Strategies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 18-20, 2000.
Paper entitled, "Trade and Investment Climate in Economic Transformation of Transition and Crisis Economics," at the 10th International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, Montpellier, France, June 7-10, 2000.
Paper entitled, "Price Variability and the Economic Performance of OPEC in the 1980s and 1990s," co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi, at the Northeast Regional Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Ithaca, June 9-10, 2000.
Paper entitled, "Trade, Capital Flows, and Economic Vulnerability of the Major Oil Exporting Countries," at the 9th Annual Conference of the Global Awareness Society International, New York, May 25-28, 2000.
Paper entitled, "Restoring Asian Economies After the Financial Markets Collapse of 1997-98," at the Allied Social Sciences Conference, Boston, January 7-9, 2000.
Paper entitled, "A Critical Review of the Islamic Banking System and Its Practices," co-authored with Hormoz Movassaghi, at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business, Las Vegas, November 18-20, 1999.
Lecture (and paper) entitled, "Islam, The Qur'an, and Muslims: Historical Context," Fall 1999 Discussion Series on Islam, Ithaca College, October 6, 1999.
Paper entitled, "Restoring Economic Growth in East Asia: A reexamination of the Role of Trade, Private Capital Flows, and Foreign Direct Investment," at the 1999 International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, Casablanca, Morocco, May 26-29, 1999.
Paper entitled, "Performance of Japanese, European and American Vehicle MNCs at Times of Changing Economic Fortunes," at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business, New Orleans, November 19-21, 1998.
Paper entitled, “An Analysis of the Causes and Implications of the 1997 Collapse of the Financial Markets in East and South East Asia” at the Eight International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, held at Atlantic City, May 27-30, 1998.
Paper entitled, “Investment Development Path and Economic Development in Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil,” at the Allied Social Sciences Conference, held at Chicago, January 3-5, 1998.
Keynote speech entitled, "The Causes and Implications of the 1997 Turmoil in the Financial Markets in East and Southeast Asia,” Presidential address for the Association for Global Business, November 21, 1997, Washington, D.C.
Paper entitled, "A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Spin-off Companies in the Global Market,” co-authored with Alka Bramhandkar, at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business, held at Washington, D.C., November 20-23, 1997.
Paper entitled, "Ethical Perspectives on Territorial Boundaries: An Islamic Point of View,” at a Dialogue Conference organized by the Ethikon Institute, The Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, and The Center for International Studies, University of Wisconsin, held in New York, September 12-14, 1997.
Paper entitled, "The Problems and Prospects of Integration of Central Asian Transition Economies into the Global Economy,” at the international conference of The International Trade & Finance Association, held at Porto, Portugal, May 22-24, 1997.
Panel member, "Country Risk Affected by Explicit and Implicit Grants,” joint program of the American Economic Association and the Association for the Study of the Grants Economy, at the Allied Social Sciences Association Annual Meetings, January 4-6, 1997, New Orleans.
Paper entitled, "The Role of FDI and Trade Policies in the Relative Pace of Economic Transformation in Central Asian and Central European Countries,” at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business, held at Dallas, Texas, November 1996.
Paper entitled, "Impact of Trade and Investment Policies on Economic Transformation in East Asia, The Middle East and Latin America,” at the international conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, San Diego, May 1996.
Paper entitled, "Trade Policies and Economic Transformation of Selected Latin American and Asian Countries: Lessons from the Experience of the Past Twenty-Five Years,” co-authored with Fahri Unsal, at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business, Orlando, November 1995.
Keynote lecture paper entitled, "Application of Islamic Economic Precepts in a Modern Economy,” at the first convention on Contemporary Issues in Business and Economics, November 11, 1995, at the Center for Islamic Studies, Florida International University, Miami.
Paper entitled, "Competition in the Financial Servcies Industry in the Wake of European Monetary Union,” at the international conference of The International Trade and Finance Association, Costa Rica, May 1995.
"Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Outflows of Selected OECD Countries," co-authored with Fahri Unsal, at the International Trade and Finance Association meeting, Reading, England, July 13-16, 1994.
"Emerging Patterns of Linkages in Global Security Markets," co-authored with Warren Dickson, at the First Conference on Multinational Financial Issues, Atlantic City, June 2-4, 1994.
"A Comparison of Performance of U.S., Japanese, and European Multinational Corporations at Times of Economic Uncertainty," at the Winter Meeting of the International Trade and Finance Association, Boston, January 2-5, 1994.
"A Comparative Analysis of Performance of the U.S., Japanese, and European Multinational Banks in the 1980s and the Early 1990s," co-authored with Alka Bramhandkar, at the Association for Global Business meeting, Chicago, November 4-6, 1993.
Paper entitled, "Debt Burden and the Flows of Financial Capital to the Developing World and the Former Centrally Planned Economies since the Late Eighties,” at the Third International Conference on the International Trade and Finance Association, Miami, May 20-22, 1993.
Discussant for two papers: 1) "International Stock Returns and Macroeconomic Price Variables" and 2) "Volatility Assessment for Stocks or Portfolios: A Risk Triangle Approach" at the Third International Conference of the IT&FA, Ibid.
Paper entitled "Recent Trends in the Globalization of the Securities Markets" at the Conference of the Midsouth Academy of Economics and Finance, Hot Springs, AR. February 10-13, 1993.
Discussant for a paper entitled "Interest Rate Hedging in a Nondeterminant World" at the Conference of the Midsouth Academy of Economics and Finance, Hot Springs, AR. February 10-13, 1993.
Paper entitled "Progress Towards Harmonization of Financial Services in the European Community and its Implications for North American Competitors", at the Allied Social Sciences Conference for North American Economics & Finance Association, Anaheim, CA. January 4-7, 1993.
Paper entitled "Japanese Global Investment Patterns During the 1980s and Potential Trends During the 1990s", coauthored with Fahri Unsal, at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business, New Orleans. November 5-7, 1992.
Panel Member: Origins and Impact of Privatization in South Asia, presentation entitled "Lessons for South Asia from East European Privatization", at the New York Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Ithaca College. October 17, 1992.
Paper entitled "Balance of Payments Implications of the Break-Up of the U.S.S.R. for its Former Republics and the East European Countries", at the 2nd International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, Laredo, TX. April 22-25, 1992.
Discussant for three papers: 1) "Multinational Involvement Explanation Via the Eclectic Paradigm", 2) "The Forward Looking Nature of the Secondary Market LDC Debt", and 3) "International Lending and Sovereign Debt in the Presence of Agency Costs: The Case of Mexico", at the IT&FA Conference, Op. cit. April 23, 1992.
Paper entitled "Progress in Globalization of Securities Markets since 1987", at the Annual Conference of the International Trade & Finance Association, New Orleans. January 2-4, 1992.
Paper entitled: "Some Socio-Economic Consequences of the Gulf War for the Middle East and the Coalition Countries", at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Middle East Economic Association, New Orleans. January 3-5, 1992.
"The Western Business Interests in the Two Gulf Wars," at the 1991 Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business, held in Atlanta, November 6-9, 1991,
"Some Issues in External Debt, Domestic Policies and Economic Development," at the first international conference of The International Trade & Finance Association, held in Marseille, France, May 31-June 2, 1991.
"Harmonization of Financial Services in North America: Some Recent Developments," at the joint session of the 1990 Annual Conference of the International Trade & Finance Association and the North American Economics and Finance Association, held in Washington, D.C., December 27-30, 1990.
"Debt Restructuring and Debt Burden: Is One Really a Cure for the Other?," at the 1990 Annual Conference of the Association for Global Business, Orlando, Florida, November 7-9, 1990.
Seminar on "Muslim Contribution to the Development of Contemporary Economic Ideas and Institutions." Organized by the Muslim Educational and Cultural Association, Cornell University, July 21, 1990.
Track Chair: International Finance for the 1989 Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business.
Paper entitled, "Impact of Debt Restructuring on Debt Service Burden of the Major Borrowing Nations," for the 1989 Annual Meeting of the International Trade and Finance Association (IT&FA), held in Atlanta, December 27-30, 1989.
Paper entitled, "The Brady Plan and the Status of the Debt-Equity Swaps by the Major Latin American Debtors," for the 1989 Annual Conference of The Association for Global Business, held in New Orleans, November 9-11, 1989.
Paper entitled, "The Emerging Significance of the U.S.-Mexican Trade on the U.S. Economy in the Wake of Europe 1992," coauthored with Fahri Unsal, for the 42nd Annual Conference of the New York State Economic Association (NYSEA), held at Ithaca, New York, October 6-7, 1989.
Paper entitled, "An Economic Assessment of the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement," coauthored with Fahri Unsal, at the 42nd Annual Conference of the New York State Economics Association, held in Ithaca, October 6-7, 1989.
Paper entitled, "The Future of North American Trade and Investment with the Pacific Rim Countries in the Light of Europe After 1992," for the 5th International Congress of the North American Economic and Finance Association (NAEFA), held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, July 21-24, 1989.
Paper entitled, "The U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: Historical Background, Potential Economic Effects and the Future," coauthored with Fahri Unsal, at the Fifth International Congress of the North American Economics and Finance Association, held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, July 21-24, 1989.
Discussant for a paper entitled, "Optimal Order Quantities with Quantity Discounts: A Re-examination of Traditional Theory," at the 1989 Conference of the Midsouth Academy of Economics and Finance, held in Nashville, Tennessee, February 16-18, 1989.
Paper entitled, "The Mexican Experience in Debt Swaps and the Future of U.S.-Mexican Economic Relations," the Allied Social Sciences Conference (North American Economics and Finance Association), held in New York, December 27-30, 1988.
Paper entitled, "The Effects of the Iran-Iraq War on the Drive for Economic Diversification in the Persian/Arabian Gulf States," the Allied Social Sciences Conference (The Middle East Economic Association), held in New York, December 27-30, 1988.
Paper entitled, "Developing Financial Instruments and Institutions for an Islamic State: Sorting Out the Issues from the Non-Issues," the 2nd Seminar on Islamic Economics of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists and the International Institute of Islamic Thought, held at Herndon, Virginia, November 18-20, 1988.
Coordinator (Chair) of the session, "Issues in International Finance," at the 1988 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Southeast Region, held in Atlanta, November 2-5, 1988.
Paper entitled, "Reducing Debt Burden Through Debt Swaps: The Latin American Experiences Thus Far," the 1988 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Southeast Region, Atlanta, November 2-5, 1988.
Paper entitled, "Investors' Reaction to Anticipated Deferred Tax Benefits of the Reform Act of 1986," coauthored with Mulugetta and Unsal, at the 41st Annual Convention of the New York State Economic Association, held in Ithaca, October 7-8, 1988.
Discussant for a paper entitled, "Interest-spread Sensitive Deposit Technology: An Indirect Profit Function Approach," at the 41st New York State Economic Association Conference, Ithaca, October 7-8, 1988.
Paper entitled, "The Promise and the Reality of Intra-Regional Trade and Investment Among the SAARC Countries," at the 1987 Allied Social Sciences Conference, held in Chicago, December 28-30, 1987, for the Association of Indian Economics Studies.
Paper entitled, "The Determinants of Exchange Rate Variability of the Major Debtor Nations," coauthored with A. Mulugetta, at the 1987 Allied Social Sciences Conference, held in Chicago, December 28-30, 1987, for The North American Economics and Finance Association (Session 17).
Discussant for six papers: (1) "The Capital Goods Sector in Mexico: Situation and Role in Development," by E. Marcos, G. Turrubiate, and K.S. Kim; (2) "Comparative Financial Analysis of Restructured Railroads Due to Mergers," by G. Noreiko; (3) "The Production Efficiency in Railroad Industry: A Frontier Production Function Report," by R. Grabowski and S. Mehdian; (4) "Are Financial Supermarkets a Threat to Banks?" by M. Bose; (5) "Is the Game Fair?: A Statistical Study of State Lotteries," by B.K. Brown; and (6) "The Relationship Between Exchange Rates, Macroeconomic Factors, and Currency Risk," by I. Mansur, at the 1987 Allied Social Sciences Conference held in Chicago, December 28-30, 1987, for the North American Economics and Finance Association (Sessions 10 and 17).
Paper entitled, "The Future of Debt Burden Under Uncertain Flows of Remittance Income for Selected Asian Countries," at the 1987 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, U.S. Southeast Region, held in New Orleans, November 4-7, 1987.
Panel Member on, "International Business Education," at the 1987 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, U.S. Southeast Region, held in New Orleans, November 4-7, 1987.
Paper entitled, "An Econometric Analysis of the Causes of Recent Fluctuations in the Dow Jones Industrial Averages," coauthored with F. Unsal and A. Mulugetta, at the 40th Annual convention of the New York State Economics Association, held in Rochester, October 9-10, 1987.
Discussant for paper: "Interest Rate Risk in Financial Intermediaries." by L.P. Blenman, at the 40th Annual Convention of the New York State Economics Association, held in Rochester, October 9-10, 1987. Zaman Page 20
Paper entitled, "Issues in Insurance and Risk Management in Islamic States," at the 1987 New York Conference on Asian Studies, held in Brockport, New York, October 2-3, 1987.
Paper entitled, "The Impact of Declining Oil Prices on the Trade Between the Persian/Arabian Gulf States and the Pacific Rim Countries," coauthored with F. Unsal, at the 1987 New York Conference on Asian Studies, held in Brockport, New York, October 2-3, 1987.
Paper entitled, "The Future of Economic Diversification Drive in Selected Asian Muslim Countries," at the 1987 New York Conference on Asian Studies, held in Brockport, New York, October 2-3, 1987.
Paper entitled, "Ethical Standards of the U.S. Multinational Corporations," at the Ithaca College Faculty Colloquium Series, September 17, 1987.
Paper entitled, "Economic Justice in Islam: The Ideals and the Reality -- The Cases of Malaysia, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia," at the 1987 Campus Conference on Religion: "Islam and the Struggle for Justice in the World Today," held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, September 12-15, 1987.
Paper entitled, "The Effects of External Borrowings on the Fluctuations of Foreign Exchange Rates on the Thirteen Largest Debtor Nations," coauthored with A. Mulugetta and S. Talwani, at the International Symposium sponsored jointly by The North American Economics and Finance Association and The International Trade Journal, held in Laredo, Texas, June 18-21, 1987.
Discussant for three papers: (1) "Government Debt Announcements, Market Use of Information, and the Behavior of Exchange Rates," by C.H. Hegji, K. Deravi, and P. Gregorowicz; (2) "Exchange Rate Impacts on U.S. Competitive Position in The World Soybean Markets," by A. Arburn, C.P. Roston, III, and M.D. Hammig; and (3) "Exchange Rate Models for North America," by P.E. Koveos, at the International Symposium, Ibid.
Paper entitled, "Some Conditions for Success in Exporting by the U.S. Small Business in the Late Eighties." Presented at the International Business Conference II, held in Emporia State University, Kansas, April 23-24, 1987.
Paper entitled, "Stock Market Reaction to the New Tax Legislation: An Exploratory Study." Coauthored with Abraham Mulugetta and Fahri Unsal. Presented at the 39th Annual Convention of the New York State Economic Association, held in Rochester, New York, April 4-5, 1987.
Discussant for two papers: (1) "Depository Disintermediation and the Money Market Mutual Fund Supply Function," by Gary E. Maggs; (2) "An Exploratory Study of Debt Extinguishment Methods and Firm Characteristics," by Jeffrey P. Lassard and Angela H. Isaac, at the 39th Annual Convention of the New York State Economic Association, held in Rochester, New York, April 4-5, 1987.
Paper entitled, "Expected Consequences of Declining Oil Prices on the Economies of Selected Countries." Presented at the 1986 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, United States Southeast Region, held in Atlanta, November 13-15, 1986.
Paper entitled, "Factors Determining the Survival of the Relatively Small Size U.S. Banks in the Late Eighties." Presented at the 4th International Congress of the North American Economics and Finance Association, held in Montreal, Canada, July 23-26, 1986.
Paper entitled, "Marketing Financial Services in the United States: The Claims and the Realty," coauthored with Fahri Unsal and Thomas Barley. Presented at the 4th International Congress of the North American Economics and Finance Association, held in Montreal, Canada, July 23-26, 1986.
Paper entitled, "Teaching Capital Asset Pricing Model to Undergraduate Finance Majors: Some Ramifications." Presented at the 38th Annual Convention of the New York State Economics Association, Rochester, New York, April 4-5, 1986.
Paper entitled, "Attributes of Sound Banking as Perceived by Small Businesses: Results of a Survey," coauthored with Warren D. Schlesinger and Fahri Unsal. Presented at the 38th Annual Convention of the New York State Economics Association, Rochester, New York, April 4-5, 1986.
Paper entitled, "Prerequisites for Success in Exporting by Small Business in the Aftermath of the Export Trading Company Act of 1982." Presented at the 1986 Regional Meeting of the Small Business Institute Directors Association, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, April 18-20, 1986.
Paper entitled, "Debt Burden and Economic Woes of the Non-Oil Producing Muslim Countries of Asia: 1974-1984." Presented at the 1985 New York Triennial Conference on Asia, Africa, and the Americas, held at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, October 4-5, 1985.
Paper entitled, "A Profile of Accounting Graduates Based on a Time-Series Analysis," (coauthored with Carl Butterfield). Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, held at Reno, Nevada, August 19-21, 1985.
Paper entitled, "Deregulation of Banking and the Investment Dilemma for the Larger Credit Unions in New York State." Presented at the 37th Annual Convention of the New York State Economic Association, Syracuse, New York, April 12-13, 1985.
Paper entitled, "The Operation of the Primary and Secondary Markets for Equity in the U.S.A. and Its Relevance for an Islamic Economy." Presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, held at Plainfield, Indiana, July 5-7, 1985.
Discussant for three papers: (1) "Demand Estimation in a Developing Country Environment: Difficulties, Techniques, and an Example," by Lyn S. Amine and S. Tamer Cavusgil; (2) Differing Models of Economic Development: Implications for Corporate Strategy," by Dorothy I. Riddle; (3) "Regime Changes and Fiscal Policy Deviations from Trends in Large Developing Countries," by T. Brewer, at the 1984 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, October 17-20, 1984.
Led the Workshop on "Investments for Credit Unions," organized by the New York State Credit Union League at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, on August 2, 1984.
Paper entitled, "The Current State of Islamic Economics and Finance: Some Suggested Changes." Presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, July 6-8, 1984.
The Phi Kappa Phi lecture on "Doing Business -- The Saudi Way," at Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, February 20, 1984.
Discussant for two papers: (1) "A Note on Mean-Variance Analysis of Portfolios of Dependent Investments," and (2) "Uniform Accounting Standards for Small and Large Stock Dividends," at the 36th Annual Convention of the New York State Economic Association, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, April 7, 1984.
Lecture on "Problems and Alternative Techniques of Estimation of Income and Occupational Distribution of Muslim Minorities," in the Department of Socio-Technical Studies Lecture Series, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, January 25, 1982.
Paper on "Occupational Distribution and the Economic Condition of the Muslim Minorities in North America." Presented at the International Seminar on the Economic Status of Muslim Minorities, held at Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, December 28, 1981-January 1, 1982.
Paper on "Marxism: A Transnational Actor for a New Order?" Presented at the Tenth International Conference on the Unity of Sciences, held in Seoul, South Korea, November 9-13, 1981.
Lecture on "Islamic Economic System," at the College of Business Administration and Management, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, May 1, 1981.
The Phi Kappa Phi lecture on "Arab Investment in the United States: Is There a Sinister Plot Against the U.S.?" at Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, February 26, 1981.
Led the Workshop on Islamic Economics at the international "Conference on Faith and Contemporary Society: Muslim and Christian Response," the Duncan Black McDonald Center, Hartford Seminary, Hartford, Connecticut, October 2-6, 1980.
Lecture on "What the Americans Need to Know About Islam," John Fischer College, Rochester, New York, November 2, 1980.
Paper on "Economic Potentialities of a Resurgent Muslim World and Its Implications for the West." Presented at the Ninth Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., September 5-7, 1980.
Lecture on "Investment Opportunities for Muslims in North America," the 18th Annual Convention of the M.S.A. of the U.S. and Canada, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, May 23-26, 1980.
Lecture on "Economic Strength of the Muslim Countries and Its Implications for the Western World," Lecture Series on Islam, by the Cornell Muslim Educational and Cultural Association, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, March 8, 1980.
Panel member on "Middle-Eastern Issues," Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, December 15, 1979.
Paper on "Islamic Economic System and Modernization." Presented at 1979 Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Study of Religion and the Religious Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, October 25-27, 1979.
Paper on "The Role of a Government Planning Institution in an Islamic State." Presented at the Eighth Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Marion College, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 29-July 1, 1979.
Paper on "Policy Implications of Introducing Zakah into Bangladesh and into Saudi Arabia." Presented at the Conference on the Economics of Zakah, the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, April 13-14, 1979.
Lecture on "The Advent of Islam, " Lecture Series on Islam, by the Cornell Muslim Educational and Cultural Association, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, February 2, 1979.
Paper on the Workability of an Islamic Economic System in the Modern World." Presented at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Marion College, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 30-July 2, 1978.
Paper on "Feasibility of a Muslim Bank and an Insurance Company in the U.S." Presented at the National Conference on Muslim Community Development, Chicago, Illinois, March 24-26, 1978.
Participant, Eighteenth Central Banking Seminar of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, March 21-23, 1978.
Panel member on "United States Foreign Trade Policy," Scholar-Diplomat Seminar, Bureau of Business and Economics, United States Department of State, Washington, D.C., January 4-6, 1978.
Paper on "Economic Opportunities in the U.S. for the Newly Converted but Economically Disadvantaged Muslims." Presented at the Regional Conference of the M.S.A. of the U.S. and Canada, State University of New York, Binghamton, New York, July 30, 1977.
Participant, Scholar-Diplomat Seminar, Bureau of Business and Economics of the U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C., February 23-27, 1976.
Panelist, Seminar-Workshop on Rural Local Government, Center for International Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Fall 1974.
Panelist, the Asian Workshop on Research Methodology in Employment and Unemployment Studies, New Delhi, India, October 30-November 3, 1972.
Panelist, East Pakistan Sector Study, Center for Population Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 2-3, 1971.