The Ithaca College & Longview Partnership

The Gerontology Institute is the academic home of the IC & Longview Partnership, Ithaca College’s flagship experiential learning program.  We celebrate more than 50 years of vibrant collaboration with the Longview senior living community (previously Ithacare). Read more about the Partnership 

Every year, more than 700 Ithaca College students and more than 65 faculty and staff participate in hundreds of intergenerational activities across the street at the Longview senior living community.

Fifty Years of History. In the early 1970s, through the efforts of Ithaca College administrators and community leaders, an Ithaca College dormitory was converted into an adult care facility that became known as Ithacare.

In 1989, Ithacare's board of directors decided to build a new facility and proposed a joint venture for the two institutions, featuring intergenerational programming and the sharing of services.  Ithaca College donated the land and the Ithaca College/Longview Partnership was born.

The Longview adult residential facility is now located just up the road from the College. Today, the Longview facility includes a large classroom and demonstration space dedicated for Ithaca College use. Ithaca College faculty and students have been enjoying programmed activities at the new Longview facility since 1999.

Mission. The mission of the Ithaca College/Longview Partnership is to create a unique, shared environment that enriches the College's academic curriculum and affords members of both the College and Longview communities with intergenerational educational and social experiences; to facilitate personal and professional growth; to promote volunteerism; and to enhance quality of life.