Cortland & Lewis County Spring 2023

We are excited for the opportunity to collaborate with community-based organizations to address the digital literacy divide that can exist for older adults living in rural communities. The program will run from May to June.

Connecting Older Adults to Technology Programs

Older adult woman learning about a smart device from a younger woman

Older adults receive a free Lenovo Smart Tab M10 Plus and are matched with a Digital Coach (volunteer) to work 1:1 with over a 6-week period (May – June). They will help with setting up the device, creating an email account, accessing social media websites, using the camera for video chat, taking pictures, and more.  

The Spring 2023 program will sponsor 10 Digital Learners in each county (Cortland and Lewis).  Volunteer coaches and learners should fill out an interest form. 

For More Information

Please contact Karen Brown, FLGEC Program Manager at