Preventing Harassment & Discrimination

At Ithaca College, we are committed to fostering a safe and healthy environment for all employees and community members.

Ithaca College is committed to ensuring a workplace free from sexual harassment, as required by New York State law. Our Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy protects all employees, including student employees, paid and unpaid interns, and nonemployees—regardless of immigration status.

If you believe you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment, we encourage you to report it to a supervisor, Human Resources, or Title IX. [Click here to access our report forms.]

Completion of this training is mandatory for all employees annually, as per New York State law. The training is self-paced and should take about one hour and 30 minutes to complete.

The training includes a video and a quiz. To begin, click “Watch Video” and press play. While watching the video, answer the questions in the quiz below. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Human Resources at or submit a ticket to our HR Helpdesk.

Thank you for participating and helping us build the best community possible!

Complete NYS Preventing Harassment & Discrimination Training

Expand the tabs below for next steps. 

This training comprises a video and a quiz. 

  • To begin the training video, click the link below and press play on the video. The video will display on another page.
  • While watching the video, questions will be prompted on the screen. Please complete the quiz form in Step 2 to answer these questions. 

Click here to view the Preventing Harassment & Discrimination Training Video for 2024.

The quiz, linked below, is designed to be completed while you watch the video. As you are watching the video, please begin marking your answers. 

At the end of the quiz you will be asked to review Ithaca College's policies. Please sign that you have read and reviewed these policies. They are included in the box below for your reference.

Please click here to complete the quiz accompanying the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Training video.

Complete Title IX Training

All educational institutions in the United States receiving federal funding are required to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which mandates that: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Completion of this training is mandatory. The training is self-paced and should take about 20 minutes to complete.

The training includes a video and a quiz. To begin, click “Watch Video” and press play. While watching the video, answer the questions in the quiz below.

Once you finish the video and quiz, click “Done” to proceed to the next task.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Human Resources at or submit a ticket to our HR Helpdesk.

Thank you for participating and helping us build the best community possible! 

Expand the tabs below for next steps.

  • To begin the training video, click the link below and press play on the video. The video will display on another page. 
  • There is a brief quiz on the next dropdown in relation to this video training.  

Click here to watch the 2024 Title IX training Video.

Click here to complete the 2024 Title IX Training quiz. 

Below is the answer key for the previous quiz in Step 2. Please review and compare your answers.  

True or False. All Ithaca College employees (except specifically identified confidential resources) are mandated reporters and are required to report all disclosures of sex-based harassment and gender discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator. 

True or False. Making a report to the Title IX Coordinator or Office of Public Safety disclosing sex-based harassment or gender discrimination will automatically result in an investigation. 

Which of the following are confidential resources? Mark all that apply. 
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 
Hammond Health Center 
Advocacy Center 24/7 Hotline 
Director, BIPOC Unity Center 
Director, Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, & Services

IC Policies & Campus Resources

Title IX Resources:

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

  • This link will bring you the College’s SHARE website that offers a comprehensive overview of Title IX, resources, options and links to policies.

NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence

  • This website offers access to advocacy agencies, available to support you.

Reporting or Responding to Sexual Misconduct at IC

  • This is the college's response to discrimination complaints, including the process for employee-involved sexual misconduct.

Clery Act Compliance:

Clery Act Compliance: Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

  • The Clery Act is a consumer protection law designed to keep campus community members, parents/guardians, and prospective community members informed on safety and security policies and procedures and crime statistic disclosure. Most importantly, the Clery Act is designed to ensure the health and safety of our community remains at the forefront of our minds. Refer to this link to find IC resources pertaining to the Clery Act.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:

Bias Impact Reporting Form

  • The Bias Impact Reporting Form is intended to provide students, staff, and faculty with a centralized way of accessing resources if they experience or witness a bias incident on campus, via social media, or at a college-affiliated event. This process is a tool that is being used in addition to formal complaint options.

Diversity & Inclusion Formal Complaint

  • This form can be used to file a formal complaint

Employee Assistance Program

  • ENI's Employee Asssistance Program is a third party that provides resources for Ithaca College employees, including confidential counseling services, child/elder care resources, and legal and financial consultations, among others.

Additional Resources:

Human Resources @ IC

The Human Resources office is available for questions about this training.