Documentation on Accessibility for IC's Supported Learning Technologies

The IT Learning & Innovative Technologies (L&IT) Team provides support to many different learning technologies. Each of our software vendors provides their own documentation on the accessibility features, meeting federal requirements for accessibility, and a roadmap for continued growth. Please email the IT Service Desk if you have any questions about the supported learning technologies listed.

Clicking on the software name will redirect you to the software vendor's website. 

  • Canvas - Ithaca College's learning management system (LMS)
  • Kaltura ( - for creating and sharing audio, video, and media files 
  • Leganto from ExLibris - for eReserves, storing and sharing of files in many formats 
  • Linkedin Learning - for online learning modules, courses, and certificates 
  • Microsoft Office 365 - for business and academic productivity  
  • Taskstream from Watermark - for ePortfolio and assessments 
  • TopHat - a student response system, secure testing and quizzes, and content delivery 
  • VoiceThread - for collaborative audio, video, and text comments 
  • Zoom - for conference calls, video recording of lectures, and synchronous class sessions 

The team in Student Accessibility Services put together a resource course in Canvas to help faculty design a more accessible course and materials to support student learning. Visit the Accessibility Resources @ IC course (netpass log in required).

Student Accessibility Services

Facilitatating access to learning, living, and recreational environments for students with disabilities at Ithaca College

(link is a phone number) (607) 274-3957