Tau Sigma National Transfer Student Honor Society

Tau Sigma logo

The Tau Sigma National Honor Society was created specifically for transfer students with the mission to "recognize and promote the academic excellence and involvement of transfer students." It is a well-recognized organization with chapters established across the country at more than 175 colleges and universities with the goal to enhance transfer student experience on campus. Tau Sigma was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1999 and has since grown to include scholarship and conference opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

The membership criteria are (per tausigmanhs.org):

1. the student must have transferred in with at least one year's worth of academic credits (this is to distinguish the transfer student from other students who might have taken one or two classes during the summer to get ahead or caught up) from another college or university (must have direct college/campus life experience to qualify)

2. the student must have completed one full-time semester (at least 12 credits) at Ithaca College

3. the student achieved a 3.5 GPA at Ithaca College during their first full-time semester

Tau Sigma students not only receive recognition of outstanding academic achievement, they also are able to take advantage of involvement and leadership opportunities, attend fun social events, and connect with fellow transfer students at IC. It's a great space to build community and representation for the unique transfer student experience. 

Yes. There is a one-time, lifetime membership fee of $50 to join the Tau Sigma National Transfer Honor Society. 

There are a limited number of fee waivers available for students with financial need, which you can inquire about with the IC Tau Sigma advisor, Caryanne Keenan, at ckeenan@ithaca.edu

Qualifying students will automatically receive an invitation via email from the Tau Sigma national office during their second semester at IC. (The email will end in @tausigmanhs.org.) Once invited, you can simply follow the instructions in the email to pay the membership fee and officially join. 

Tau Sigma members are highly encouraged to participate in events each semester and consider joining the e-board! Events in the past have included things like trivia, ice cream socials, game nights, dinners, etc. They can be social, educational, service, and/or professional in nature, depending on the interests of members. Ideas are always welcome!

E-board positions are on a volunteer basis with voting occurring each spring. Positions include president, vice president, secretary, events chair, and social media chair. The e-board meets regularly throughout the academic year to plan fun events and strategize the best ways to engage and support transfer students.