
Infinity Presentation

Please join William Guerrero, Vice President of Finance and Administration on Monday, March 25th from 1:00pm – 2:00 pm in Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center. The meeting will include current year financials, next year budget updates, and division updates. In addition to division updates, special topics will include a presentation about Online Educational Resources (OER) and the Fiscal Year Change,.

DONATIONS ARE NEEDED!! The on-campus Food Pantry is located in the DeMotte Room, in the lower level of the campus center. A contribution from The Lissy Family Foundation supported the building of this food pantry on campus. The food pantry provides support to our students, faculty, and staff. Let’s show our support and continue to help fight hunger in our community. We will be collecting donations for the food pantry at the door during the InFinity presentation.

We hope you will join us! Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend.

Campus Center
Klingenstein Lounge