
The Park Center for Independent Media is pleased to announce that this year’s Izzy Award will be shared by a publication and three journalists:

Earth Island Journal is being honored for highlighting the connections between environmental degradation, women and indigenous peoples; Laura Flanders for producing forward-looking media on a regular basis that investigate policies that drive racism, sexism, and economic exclusion; Dave Lindorff for uncovering the opaqueness of Pentagon accounts and bloated military budgets; and Aaron Mate for exposing the hollowness and hyperbole of the so-called Russiagate scandal. The public ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 15, in Emerson Suites, Ithaca College. All award winners will make acceptance speeches.

The Izzy Award is named in the memory of dissident journalist I. F. “Izzy” Stone.

More info on the honorees here, and Amy Goodman’s announcement of the award-winners on Democracy Now! here.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation, please contact Brandy Hawley, 607-274-3590 or bhawley@ithaca.edu, as much in advance as possible.

Emerson Suites