
Join allies on September 20th at 11 A.M. on the academic quad as we gather to walk to the Commons for the 12 P.M. action to participate in a greater Ithaca Climate Strike

On September 20, young people and adults will strike to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. Building on a historic surge of student protests and strikes for climate action, the September 20 strike comes ahead of the United Nations Summit on Climate Change, where world leaders will convene in New York with the goal of deepening climate ambition.

Led by the youth climate strikers, people will walk out of school and work to join mass marches and rallies, music concerts, sit-ins, and nonviolent direct action, connecting the climate movement to civic engagement.

Youth in Ithaca, along with IC Eco Reps, Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, and Mothers Out Front are leading strikes in the City, demanding stark climate action be taken by local, national, and global politicians.

Academic Quad