Co-chair: Marc Gomes, Associate Professor, Theatre and Dance Performance
Co-chair: Crystal Peebles, Associate Professor, Music Theory, History Composition
Ruth Barber, Assistant Professor, Theatre Production and Management
Brett Bossard, Senior Executive Director of Alumni and Family Engagement
Matt Clauhs, Associate Professor, Music Education
Mike Costello, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy
Wendy Dann, Dana Professor, Theatre Studies
Amanda Haussmann, MTD Student
Jennifer Kay, Associate Professor and Chair, Music Performance
Max Lorn- Krause, Associate Director of Music, Theatre, and Dance Admissions
Zachary McDonald, Concerts and Facilities Manager
Chris McNamara, Associate Provost, Provost and Academic Affairs
February Schneck, MTD Student
Eric Troiano, Assistant Professor, Music Performance
School of Music, Theatre, and Dance - Open Sessions to the Campus Community
Monday, February 17 - Candidate #1:
2:00-3:00 pm - Presentation - Open to the Campus Community - Clark Lounge
- 10-15 minute presentation followed by Q&A
Tuesday, February 18 - Candidate #2:
2:00-3:00 pm - Presentation - Open to the Campus Community - Klingenstein Lounge
- 10-15 minute presentation followed by Q&A
Wednesday, February 19 - Candidate #3
2:00-3:00 pm - Presentation - Open to the Campus Community - Klingenstein Lounge
- 10-15 minute presentation followed by Q&A
Thursday, February 20 - Candidate #4
2:00-3:00 pm - Presentation - Open to the Campus Community - Klingenstein Lounge
- 10-15 minute presentation followed by Q&A