Budget Tools

Not Sure Where To Start?

Use the grant budget templates below to start building your grant budget. Please use these templates to submit with the Accelerated Routing Form.

Budget template with federally negotiated 51.5% indirect cost rate can be found here.
Budget template with 8% of modified total direct costs (MTDC) indirect cost rate can be found here.

Budget Justification Guidance

A guide to creating a budget justification for your proposal can be found in the "Budget Justification Guide" link below.

Budget Justification Guide

Also, check out the helpful YouTube video from NCURA below on how to justify, rather than just explain, proposed expenses in your justification.

Budget Narratives - Explaining vs Justifying Expenses

Fringe Rates

Fringe Calculation

Rate (%)


Staff and Faculty: Academic Yr.


FICA, TIAA-CREF, and insurance

Summer Students, Staff, and Faculty (and Sabbatical)



Student (Academic Year)



  • FICA = 7.65%

Student Wages in the Budget Template

TabFY 2023-24FY 2024-25FY 2025-26FY 2026-27
Hourly Rate$14.60$15.00$15.50$16.00
Direct/Indirect Costs

Direct Costs: Costs that are charged directly to sponsored projects and are clearly identified within that project's activity and objectives.

Indirect Costs or Facility and Administrative: Costs that are not directly related to a specific sponsored project and are incurred for common or join objectives, sometimes referred to as overhead.

Current rate: 51.5% of direct salaries and wages, excluding fringe benefits

Need HELP?

Feel free to email or call for any budget assistance. 

(link is a phone number) (607) 274-3113