Sponsored Research Roles and Responsibilities

The Sponsored Research office consists of the Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations and Sponsored Research, the Financial Services Associate Controller, the Provost and Academic Affairs Administrative and Financial Operations Coordinator, and the Provost and Academic Affairs Academic Coordinator. The Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations and Sponsored Research, Administrative and Financial Operations Coordinator, and Academic Coordinator are within the "Provost Office" organizational chart. The Financial Services Associate Controller is within the "Finance and Administration" organization chart.


The Sponsored Research team performs the following activities:

- Pre-Award: Assist faculty/staff with finding grant opportunities, develop budgets and budget justifications, review proposals for accuracy and compliance before submission, and assist with submission of proposals. Please contact the Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations regarding pre-award questions.

- Post-Award: Set up project account numbers and budgets in accounting system, process budget revisions and cost transfers, prepare and submit financial reports to sponsor agencies, provide financial reports to principal investigators, review all grant expenditures to ensure allowability, schedule salary payments, submit cash transactions, and handle negotiated rate agreements with cognizant agency. Please contact the Associate Controller for post-award questions.


The Sponsored Research team also oversees the ethical and responsible conduct of research through the Institutional Review Board on Human Participant Research (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), and Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). Please contact the Academic Coordinator for IRB, IACUC, IBC, and CITI questions.

External Grants

Sponsored Research strives to promote an increase in external funding, create consistent, uniform guidelines, and foster a collaborative environment.

External grants via Sponsored Research (public funding) and Corporate and Foundation Relations (private funding) also enhance the reputation of Ithaca College, making us an attractive choice for promising new students and faculty/staff hires. 

Planning to apply for external funding?

Don't know where to start?

How Do I Write a Grant? 

Sponsored Research Committees and Programs

Sponsored Research oversees the ethical and responsible conduct of research amongst our faculty and staff at Ithaca College for the areas listed below. 

Obtaining gifts and grants, whether from public or private sources, not only provides much needed budget relief for the college but also enables excellent opportunities for faculty professional development and undergraduate research experience. 

Questions and Assistance

As always, please feel free to email and/or call if you have any questions or need assistance.

Also, visit the Office of State Grants website for HEOP, CSTEP, and C-STEM information

(link is a phone number) (607) 274-1206