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Academic Program Review and Self-Study

The purpose of the academic program review and self study is to ensure the continuing quality and strength of academic programs, meet the program assessment requirements of our various accrediting agencies, and provide an information base for institutional planning processes.

Academic Program Review and Self-Study Process

UPDATED July 2024

Academic Program Periodic Review and Self Study happens on an 8-10 year cycle.

Academic units (departments or programs) prepare a self-study during the academic year, and submit a draft to the dean and to the APC Assessment Subcommittee for formative feedback in January. APC-A's feedback focuses exclusively on the section of the report that discusses curriculum and assessment.

A final self-study report, including a report by an external reviewer and an action plan, is submitted to the Dean, the Provost, and the APC Assessment Subcommittee in April. At this time, APC-A issues recommendations to the dean and the provost regarding the curriculum and assessment plans. APC-A reports on its findings to APC Full either at its last meeting in the spring semester or at the first meeting in the fall of the following year.

The academic units participating in the self-study process in AY2024-25 are:

  • Communications: Documentary Studies and Production B.A. program
  • Communications: Journalism B.A. program
  • Communications: Sports Media B.S. program
  • H&S: Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity
  • H&S: Department of Literatures in English
  • Music Theater & Dance: Center for Theatre and Dance

The full schedule for academic unit program review, from 2023 through 2033, includes programs with national accreditation.

Academic Program Review Guidelines

The following documents provide guidance for academic units undergoing Academic Program Review in 2024-2025. These Guidelines have been substantially revised from previous years.

Identifying, Nominating, and Preparing External Evaluators

Departments are responsible for identifying potential external evaluators and will nominate academic peers who possess relevant disciplinary expertise and academic/professional qualifications as possible reviewers of their program(s).