Welcome to IC

You are an important member of our residential community and we are glad you joined us on campus!
First-Year Housing Options
  • Quads  
  • Terraces 
  • East Tower
Transfer Housing Options
  • Clarke Hall (Quads)
  • Terraces
  • West Tower
  • Circle Apartments
  • Garden Apartments

Setting Up Your Housing

Each year at the start of the housing selection process, you will be auto-prompted to sign your housing agreement. If you are under 18 at the time, a co-signature of a parent or legal guardian will also be required.

Submit your housing preferences on the Housing Portal by selecting the "Housing Selection" menu item. The first time you select this button, you will be auto-prompted to submit your preferences. This will include updating emergency contact information and privacy settings, answering several roommate matching questions, listed a top RLC choice (if applicable, also note that a supplemental application for each RLC is also required), and general housing preferences (such as an area of campus or room type).

You may revise your preferences on the Housing Portal as well by selecting the "Update Preferences" button.

You may submit an application on the Housing Portal to live in a RLC. Application results (acceptance or denial) will be published on the Housing Portal and emailed. You may apply to multiple communities and indicate a top preference with your Housing Preferences.

It is common to worry that that you and your roommate will not be compatible. Finding someone who is a "perfect match" before finalizing your housing preferences or roommate request may feel overwhelming. Do not worry! The simple fact is that the majority of students in our residence halls get along with their roommate(s) regardless of how they became roommates.

The process of finding a roommate can be a great way to meet other Ithaca College students and expand your group of friends. Sharing your roommate matching questions or connecting on social media may spark friendships even if you don't become roommates.

Having things in common with your roommate may seem important, but having differences can often make a roommate relationship even more rewarding. Talk together about living habits and things that are important to each of you to help set the foundation for a positive experience. No one is perfect and all shared living situations involve compromise.

Roommate Search Resources

  • Roommate Matching Preferences on the Housing Portal
  • Roommate Search Tool on the Housing Portal
  • Facebook "Class of" pages and other IC social media

If you are interested in living with a person of another gender you may do so through creating a roommate/apartment-mate group.

Several housing accommodation processes exist if you have a specific need when setting up your housing. Learn more about each process and submit requests on our Special Accommodations page.

Residence Halls

Take a moment to explore our Residential Communities and see the housing options listed for you.

Visit Residence Halls
Living On Campus

Learn about the Residential Experience including residential resources, what to bring when you move in, and more.

Learn More
Continuing Student Housing

Understand housing options and procedures for continuing students in your sophomore, junior, or senior years.

Learn More
Graduate Student Housing

Are you a new Grad student? Consider your on-campus housing options!

Learn More