Student Organization Finances

Organizations who operate with money in any way (fundraise, make purchases, travel, etc.) must have an account with our office, and all financial transactions should be routed through this account.

Please review your Student Organization Handbook for the most up to date information and policies on Student Organization finances.

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  • Organizations MUST be recognized to access the funds in their account.
  • Organization account numbers and additional account information can be found on IC Engage in the folder titled Finance Files in the documents section.
  • Students do not have direct access to this account. All transactions are to be made through and approved by the Student Organizations Business Coordinator in OSE.
  • When depositing funds, please deposit them at CFCU using this Student Organization Deposit Form.

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Student Organizations can submit a Spending Request Form to:

Pay an invoice or contract, get reimbursed, make a purchase through vendors such as Amazon, Staples, etc. and make donations.

Spending Request Forms should be submitted at least two weeks in advance and even more in advance, if possible.

Student organizations may request to use an IC credit card via our Credit Card Request Form on Engage.

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Student Governance Council (SGC): The Appropriations Committee accepts funding requests from student orgs throughout the academic year. Contact the VP of Business and Finance at or visit the Funding Process on SGC's website. 

Academic Department: IC Departments grant funding to student organizations for a specific purpose and the funds may only be spent for the designated intention.

Fundraising: Student orgs may raise funds by holding events or other fundraisers. Organizations must deposit these funds into their student organization account before using them.