- Climate Action Plan Steering Committee,
- Facilities Planning Committee,
- Placeholder - Section Removed,
- Solicitation Committee, Facilities Planning Committee
This constituent-based group shall be responsible for reviewing and advising the President on matters related to planning and priorities for the College’s academic, residential, recreational, athletic (including playing fields), administrative and vehicular facilities (roadways, parking lots). Related facilities matters for the purposes of this Committee are broadly defined as including: space planning, new construction, major renovations and facilities projects, green spaces, accessibility and life safety issues, infrastructure, major maintenance upgrades, and aesthetic and operating standards for the College’s facilities. Composition (see Appendix I):
- Vice President for Finance and Administration - Chair
- Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life
- Associate Vice President for Facilities Management
- Two faculty members
- Two staff members
- Two administrative personnel (one of whom will be an academic dean)
- Two students
- One of the staff or administrative members shall be from the Division of Institutional Advancement
At least two of the members indicated above shall be past or present members of the Planning and Priorities Committee (see section B).
The Executive Assistant to the Vice President/Treasurer will provide administrative and logistical support for the Committee. Member Qualifications:
Each member is expected to take the broad view of College facilities issues rather than lobbying for a specific constituency. Responsibilities and Functions
The Committee is a standing committee, chaired by the Vice President/Treasurer and advisory to the President.
- In collaboration with appropriate consultants and other college committees, develop and maintain the facilities master plan in a manner consistent with the College's Institutional Plan.
- Develop and/or review major plans and/or proposed modifications to the campus.
- Review requests for major maintenance projects, new construction, and major renovations and recommend priorities to the President consistent with the College Master Plan and/or perceived sense of urgency.
- Where appropriate, serve as counsel to the Vice President/Treasurer and President in resolving minor space and related campus planning matters.
- Through the Committee chair, report committee recommendations to the All-College Planning and Priorities Committee and to the Budget Committee. Committee Administration
- Appointments to the Committee - The president of the College makes all appointments to the Committee. Nominations for appointment to the Committee by the President will be accepted from: Student Government for student members; Staff Council for staff members; and by Faculty Council for faculty members. Administrative members will be nominated by area vice-presidents. The Committee may also make recommendations to the Chair for specific representatives from among the constituent groups to be brought forward to the President.
- Planning and Priorities Committee Overlap - At any given time, at least two members of the Facilities Planning Committee should be past or present members of the Planning and Priorities Committee.
- Membership Renewal - Members designated by title will serve on a continuing basis (or shall have the option of designating an on-going representative to the Committee). Staff and administrative personnel will serve three year terms except that one founding member in each category will have an initial term of four years to initiate a staggering of terms. One founding faculty position will have a four-year term to be followed by three-year terms. The other faculty position will have six-year terms. Students will have two-year terms and must be of at least sophomore standing at commencement of their terms. One appointment for 2003-04 must be a sophomore who will serve for three years to initiate a staggering of terms. The President may renew the term of any appointed Committee member.
- Communications - Minutes will be kept of all meetings of the Facilities Planning Committee, and will be made available upon request to other interested parties. Recommendations from the Facilities Planning Committee will be made to the President and reported to the Planning and Priorities Committee and to the Budget Committee.
- Meetings - The Facilities Planning Committee will normally meet at least two times each academic semester and more frequently as needed. Meetings may also occur during the summer months, if necessary.
- Voting - The committee will attempt to operate on a consensus basis; however; when and if a vote on an issue becomes necessary, a quorum of eight members will be required. The Chair will vote only to break a tie. Advisors and Consultants
Input from other members of the campus community and external consultants may be appropriate as necessary during the Committee's deliberations. Individuals who meet with the Committee in this capacity could include architectural and engineering consultants, or designers and planners appropriate for providing topical information to the Committee. (placeholder - section Removed) Climate Action Plan Steering Committee
(New content to be added.) Solicitation Committee
(This was moved from section Membership
- Director of campus life services or designee
- Assistant director of residential life for operations or designee
- Assistant director of campus center or designee
- One student representative from student government Committee Duties
This committee is responsible for discussing issues and making decisions related to solicitation, advertising, and canvassing on the Ithaca College campus. The group develops and revises policies and makes recommendations to the vice president for student affairs and campus life. It also reviews solicitation permit appeals from both on-campus and off-campus individuals and groups. The committee advertises relevant policies in these areas and alerts the campus to changes in these policies as they occur.
The group meets on an as needed basis throughout the year as designated by the director of campus life services. Authority to Which the Committee is Responsible
The committee reports to the associate vice president for business and finance. The director of campus life services serves as chairperson.
Last Updated: April 24, 2013