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Commencement - Accessible Parking

Accessible parking is available for Commencement and is located directly around the A&E Center where the ceremony takes place. You must register for a permit prior to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 15th.  

Please contact Parking Services at 607-274-3756 or email with any questions.

Summer Parking Information-Monday, May 19th through Friday, August 22nd

Beginning Monday, May 19th through Friday, August 22nd, the summer parking rules, and regulations will be in effect.

No parking permits will be required to park on campus. Red and Blue parking lot designations will not be enforced.

Fire lanes, no parking zones, timed spaces, accessible spaces, reserved spaces/lots, and closed lots for events and/or constructions will be enforced, as they would be during the academic year. Reserved lots include P-lot (Admissions lot next to PRWC), Visitor lot, and Alumni Hall lot. Reserved spaces include all maintenance spaces and all spaces designated with green signs that say RESERVED at the top and all spaces with the Americans with Disabilities Act accessible symbol.

Students who are NOT going to be on campus but wish to leave their vehicle here during summer break, should park in S Lot Extension or S-Lot Red.

Parking Services is a unit of the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management. We are a customer-oriented team of professionals dedicated to supporting Ithaca College’s mission by maximizing campus access and providing solutions and options to meet our community's parking needs. 

Ithaca College has established Parking Policies to provide adequate, reasonable, convenient, and safe access for all faculty/staff, students, and visitors to the campus. The parking system must reconcile parking demands with the limitations of land and financial resources. With this in mind, members of the campus community must understand that parking is a privilege. Individual parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Ithaca College continually assesses its operations, procedures, and policies in order to foster the incorporation of sustainable thinking and practice into its day-to-day management. Our efforts continue to further our goal to create a "living-learning" laboratory that models and reinforces what our students are learning about sustainability in their classrooms. Furthermore, Ithaca College recognizes the importance of strengthening the student connection to the College and laying the foundation for student success during the first year. As a result we strongly urge students not to bring vehicles to campus, particularly during their first year.

Sustainable Transportation Options

Contact Parking Services

Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management

Monday through Friday*: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

*Parking Services Office is Closed on College Holidays

(link is a phone number) (607) 274-3756