The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life invites you to find belonging in one of many student groups and campus partners, make meaning out of the human experience, and join with people of religious, spiritual, or secular worldviews to make a difference in Ithaca and the world. Come see how we're turning our core objectives into a reality at IC, and how our values as an institution are being lived out through the tangible action our community is taking.

Student Life & Programs

We invite you to explore upcoming events at Ithaca College with a focus on Religion/Spirituality. You can view these events on Ithaca College's Events Calendar linked here. The calendar view projects forward 30 days. To view upcoming events at Muller Chapel regardless of event type please click here.
Featured Programs
If you are a student we invite you update your religious, spiritual, or non-religious preference so IC and the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life can provide you with relevant resources. Even though you may have shared this information as part of the admission process, this is an opportunity to update your affiliation. Your responses are private, confidential, and never publicized. Please email us at to share your preferences.
Recent News from ORSL
The world I want to co-create looks just and boundless. People are able to believe, live and love as they wish as long as they cause no harm to themselves or others.
Nijha Young, ‘23 and Uncommon Ground for the Common Good Fellow
Resources & Support

Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday-Friday: Open 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
*The Chapel is open for quiet meditation and study from 8 AM to 10 PM every day.
Accessible Entry
Our accessible entrance is located on the north side of Muller Chapel building, near pond on ground level.