How Do I Write a Grant?

Proposal writing is just one step in the grant-seeking process. It must be part of a process of planning and of research: Far more time should be spent developing the program or project and researching and cultivating donors than preparing the actual proposal.

Grant-Writing Tutorials

How To Write A Concept Paper?

Funders often ask for a one- or two-page concept paper prior to submission of a full proposal. This helps the funder save time by eliminating ideas that are not likely to be funded and may also serve as a platform for further discussion with the funder’s program officer. 

Proposal-Writing Guides

The following grant-writing guides can help improve and enhance success in gaining funds for projects and future research at Ithaca College. 

The Art of Grantsmanship

A Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal

A Guide to Proposal Planning and Writing 

Examples and Templates of Data Management Plans

Examples of DMPs

More Templates

Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA) Data Management Tool is an online form you can fill out to help generate your data management plan. The form is for the earth sciences.

Johns Hopkins University Data Management Services

Need Help from a Consultant?

Sponsored Research has consultants to assist with the grant-writing process and statistical methodology. 

Sponsored Research has contracted with a local statistical consulting firm to assist faculty/staff with analyzing data for grant proposals and projects. Funding is limited and the research proposal or project must be eternally supported.

Depending upon the cost and extent of need, Sponsored Research might be able to contract with an external grant writer to help you prepare your proposal. Or, an external reviewer to look over your proposal to make sure it adequately addresses the grant solicitation/guidelines before it gets submitted.

Process and Statistical Assistance?

Contact Sponsored Research to request grant-writing and statistical assistance.

(link is a phone number) (607) 274-1206