Bonnie Prunty

Retired Vice President, Student Affairs and Campus Life

I have had the pleasure of working at Ithaca College for over thirty years. First, I worked in the Office of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs for about 25 years holding a variety of positions where I ultimately served as the Director of the department. Then I became the Dean of Students. While in that position I directly supervised the Office of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs, the Center for Counseling Health and Wellness and the Office of Case Management. Now as the Vice-President for Student Affairs and Campus Life I am responsible for most of the offices and programs that impact a student’s out of class experience. 

Over the years I have had many students and prospective employees ask me about my lengthy tenure at the college. I always provide the same response. I have stayed at Ithaca all these years because I cannot imagine working at another institution where I would find such a dedicated set of colleagues and engaged set of students to work with.

Educational Background

BS Accounting and Management - Lehigh University

MA Student Personnel Services - Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Professional Involvement

Association for College and University Housing Officers - International (ACUHO-I) Excecutive Board Member