Growing up as the youngest of nine children on the family dairy farm in Wisconsin, Mary Scheidegger always wanted to run away and join the circus. Due to a mistrust of clowns and unease around elephants, she instead did the next closest thing: a career in theatre!
B.F.A. in technical theatre from University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, M.F.A in stage management from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. SummerPoint Theatre, Production Manager UIUC Dance, Opera Theatre of St Louis. Coordinator of Theatre Operations (under a variety of titles) at Ithaca College since 1994. Responsibilities include Dillingham scheduling, security, and maintenance, fiscal management, and administrative assistance on enrollment, personnel searches, and special projects.
Loves to travel, her house, and her husband Scott and their cats. Proud of our amazing students and all they accomplish in four short years, and always excited to hear from our alumni on their continued amazing accomplishments – theatrical, personal, and otherwise.