Recent Presentations
NOTE: Presentations published in the conference proceedings are listed as Publications.
"Study Abroad Experience: Motivating Factors, Satisfiers, and Impact," with Hormoz Movassaghi, paper presented with Hormoz Movassaghi and Kenan Gocer, paper presented at National Business & Economics Society Annual Meeting. held at San Jose, Costa Rica, March 8, 2013.
“Marketing Mutual Funds in Turkey: A Comparison of Recursive Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis as Research Tools,” with Nursel Selver Ruzgar, paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, and Modeling, held at Cambridge, MA, January 30 – February 1, 2013.
“Study Abroad Programs: Impact on Students’' Short-Term and Long-Term Academic and Personal Development,” with Hormoz Movassaghi, paper presented at the Twenty First World Business Congress held in Helsinki, Finland, held on July 4-8, 2012
“The Impact of Technology in the Classroom: A Survey of Canadian College Students,” with Nursel Ruzgar, paper presented at Ryerson Faculty Conference held in Toronto, Canada, May 12, 2012.
"Marketing Practices of Turkish Agro-Food Businesses during the Global Economic Crisis," jointly with Erdogan Gunes and Mevhibe Albayrak. Paper presented at the International Trade and Finance Association Conference held in Las Vegas, May 23-25, 2010.
"An Empirical Study on Traditional and Online Education Preferences of American and Turkish University Students," jointly with Bahadtin and Nursel Ruzgar. Paper presented at the International Trade and Finance Association Conference held in Las Vegas, May 23-25, 2010.
"Governmental Promotion of E-Commerce: A Comparative Study," jointly with Hormoz Movassaghi and Kanaru Fukushima, presented at the Association for Global Business's 21st Annual Meeting, held on Orlando, Florida, November 2009.
“Predicting Bankruptcies Using Rough Set Approach: The Case of Turkish Banks,” with Nursel S. Ruzgar and Bahadtin Ruzgar, presented at the American Conference on Applied Mathematics held at Harvard University, March 24-26, 2008.
“Foreign Direct Investment in Turkey: An Analysis of Growth and Distribution by Economic Sectors with Special Focus on Agribusiness,” with Dr. Erdogan Gunes, International Trade and Finance Association, 17th International Conference, held in Miami, May 16-20, 2007.
“FDI and Micro Credit as Engines for Promoting Growth of Indigenous Entrepreneurs in Selected Emerging Economies,” with Raquib Zaman, International Trade and Finance Association, 17th International Conference, held in Miami, May 16-20, 2007.
"The European Union and Its Enlargement; The Challenges Ahead," with Zaman, R., 57th Annual Meeting of the New York State Economic Association, Ithaca, NY October 8-9, 2004.
"Student Online Purchasing Behavior: A Comparison of American and Turkish Student Samples," with Ruzgar, N.S., EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, July 6-10, 2003.
"Investment Development Path Hypothesis and the Stages of Economic Development," with Zaman, R., 14th Annual Meeting of the Association for Global Business, Las Vegas, November 21-24. One-page abstract publisehd in the Proceedings of the Associaiton for Global Business, Vol. 13, p. 178 (2002).
"Electronic Commerce: The Impact on Retailing," accepted for presentation at Retailing Conference co-sponsored by the Eindhoven University of Technollogy of theNetherlands and the European Institute of Retailing and Services, Heidelberg, German, August 2002.
"The Impact of Western MNCs Direct Investment Strategies on the Trade Balances of Host Countries: An Empirical Analysis of Central & East European Countries," with Movassaghi, H. & Zaman, R., 12th International Conference of the International Trade & Finance Association, Bangkok, Thailand, May 29-June 2 (2002).