Ithaca College Alcohol and Other Drugs on Campus: Student Behavior and Conduct Response

For the full policy, please refer to the Student Conduct Code, Section 7.1.2 of the Ithaca College Policy Manual. Questions about the policy may be directed to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards at 607-274-3375.

  • Persons under the age of 21 are prohibited from purchasing, possessing or consuming any type of alcoholic beverage anywhere on campus at any time, including all residence hall rooms and apartments.
  • Persons under the age of 21 may not possess empty alcohol containers, including but not limited to beer bottles/cans, wine bottles/boxes, and liquor bottles.
  • Students age 21 or older may possess and consume alcohol in any residence hall room or apartment, but they are prohibited from purchasing alcohol for, or providing alcohol to minors.

The following are PROHIBITED:

  • Open containers of any type of alcoholic beverage in public areas on campus, unless at a registered event.
  • Possession of multiple-quart containers (kegs, wine boxes, or any container that has a tap) in residence hall rooms at all times. 
  • High-risk drinking paraphernalia, including but not limited to beer pong tables and beer bongs/funnels; and all drinking games, with or without alcohol.
  • Consuming alcohol to the point where the student’s behavior poses a danger of causing physical harm to her/himself and/or others.
  • The possession of alcoholic beverages at intercollegiate athletic events.
  • The possession, use, manufacture, purchase, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or prescription drugs without a prescription.
  • Although New York State law now permits the use of recreational and medical marijuana under certain conditions, federal law prohibits all use, possession, and/or cultivation of marijuana at U.S educational institutions. Federal law also requires any institution of higher education which receives federal funding to have policies in place which prohibit possession and use of marijuana on campus. Therefore, the use, possession, and/or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes is not allowed in any Ithaca College residence hall or on any other Ithaca College property. No exceptions can be made for any student based on their possession of a medical marijuana certification, registry ID card, or any other proof of medical marijuana eligibility.


This protocol is a guideline for conduct decisions regarding the sanctions and interventions which shall be imposed for student alcohol and marijuana violations once a finding of responsibility has occurred. The purpose of administering sanctions is to hold students accountable for their actions, ensure the safety and well-being of the Ithaca community, and to facilitate learning.

Violation Description

Possession of empty alcohol containers

Violation Description

Unlawful possession or use of alcohol, marijuana, or related paraphernalia

Violation Desciption

Unlawful use of alcohol or marijuana that results in concern for health or safety or is accompanied by behavior that is disruptive, destructive, disorderly, and/or problematic
file-outline AOD Brochure - AOD Brochure (pdf)

Alcohol and Other Drugs on Campus: Student Behavior and Conduct Response


The Medical Amnesty Policy (IC MAP) was created to encourage students to call for help in alcohol or drug-related emergencies without fear of college conduct consequences. In MAP cases, the student who receives medical assistance and the student who summons help are not sanctioned through the college conduct system. Completion of the BASICS Education Program is required. All students are expected to read and abide by the full IC MAP policy, available at: 

Campus Resources

Office of Public Safety                                             

Office of Residential Life
East Tower                                                                      

Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards   
West Tower     

Center for Health Promotion
Lower Level, Hammond Health Center

Counseling and Psychological Services
Lower Level, Hammond Health Center 