Meet the faculty teaching Summer College "choose your adventure" coursework

Introductory Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Luke Keller

Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Specialty: Astrophysics, spectroscopy, art-science connections and collaborations, natural science general education

Foundations of Health, Human Performance, and Wellness

Eber Beck

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy
Specialty: Neuroscience and Neurologic Rehabilitation

Wildlife Tracking and Nature Observation

Jason Hamilton

Professor, Department of the Environment
Specialty: Education for Sustainability, Integrative Education, Non-Timber Forest Products, Plant Ecophysiology, Global Change Biology

Rock Band for Beginners

Matthew Clauhs

Associate Professor, Music Education

Ithaca Young Writers Institute - Imaginative Writing

Katharyn Machan

Professor, Writing
Specialty: Creative Writing