Ithaca College Sustainability

Carbon neutral by 2050 or sooner
Ithaca College Solar Fields
Blue & Gold = Green

View our dashboard for real-time progress on high-level sustainability goals.

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IC Sustainability is Managed by the Office of Energy Management and Sustainability (OEMS)

OEMS focuses on supporting institution-wide, environmental- and social justice-focused projects initiated across the Ithaca College campus. We strive to integrate sustainability into every aspect of student, faculty, and staff life, with a focus on the following areas:

Institution: Ithaca College sets goals for our campus to improve environmental, social, and financial sustainability. We are committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050 or sooner.

Academics: We strive to integrate holistic sustainability into curricula across all departments on campus. 

Culture: We support and connect related groups and projects,  nurture the community-wide conversation on sustainability, and host events. Our goal is to equip students, faculty, and staff with the tools to engage their communities in environmental stewardship and social justice. 

Operations: Ithaca College establishes best practices for new campus development, retrofits, and building operations. 

Sustainability at IC

At Ithaca College, our natural surroundings are our second campus. From Cayuga Lake to Buttermilk Falls to the Ithaca College Natural Lands, our natural environment is worth protecting, and we take this responsibility seriously. Ithaca College's faculty, staff and students are dedicated to prioritizing sustainability in all aspects of campus life. 

file-outline 2024-25 Ithaca College Sustainability Priorities - 2024-25-ic-sustainabilty-priorities-11_24 (pdf)

To assist the college in focusing its sustainability efforts it has established an annual sustainability priorities document. This document includes a summary look back of IC's climate action plan (2009) and the top 10 priorities for the 2024-25 academic year.



IC Active Sustainability Project Updates!

EV Charger Installations - IC staff, NYSEG and contractors are actively working to finalize the work for connecting added electric vehicle chargers on campus. 2 new Level 2 chargers will be the first to come online in February 2025 just south of Terrace 13 adjacent the Western Entrance to the IC Natural Lands. An added 27 Level 2 chargers will come online about mid-Spring semester. Shortly after that 2, dual port DC Fast Chargers will be connected just south of the Athletic & Events Center. Charging will be facilitated through the Lynkwell-Livingston app. Download the app and prepare for a host of new charging options by late spring!

BUS Passes - For the 2024-25 academic year, Ithaca College is completely covering the cost for student, faculty and staff bus passes! NOTE: In order to access your bus pass, you'll need to download the TFare App and register using your IC email address. TCAT TFare Passes take effect starting September 1, 2024. For added information on how to set up your TFare pass please see our IC specific guidance document.

Sustainability Accomplishments

Departments with Sustainability Courses

Nearly 80% of IC’s Academic Departments across all 5 Schools offer sustainability-focused courses

Acres of Natural Land

IC manages 560 acres of natural areas to preserve biological diversity, ecological functions, and ecosystem services.